Mr Tadaomi

He really felt terribly tired after the hopeless Japanese class. Hopeless, because they until now didn’t learn anything. Dan, Mayca and the rest of them made sure that this should not happen even by accident either.
He needed an ice tea or another cold drink right now. He aimed the drinking machine, then he saw something, or rather someone which made him open his mouth. Beside the automat, a slim, tall Japanese man stood in black suit. His dark hair was erected towards the sky, which made a little tension between his awkwardly elegant clothes and his haircut. If someone would see him, they would say that he looks like an anorexic Son-go-ku if he must go to the ball of a queen.
The strange person talked to Hans, and it seemed like they were in a deep conversation. The effect that the stranger made on Vic, was rather weird. He tried sneaking away beside them, and he thought he succeeded also, but then suddenly he heard a - for him - very well known voice. ‘Moshimoshi Karuma! What’s up?’ The crackling voice hit Vic in the middle. He - as he would get a real hit - curled up.
The Japanese man’s voice turned impatient, but he kept his rude English style. ‘Karuma.. don’t you recognize me??’
‘I-I do.. Karasuma..’ stammered Vic. He looked up at the newcomer's face, but at the same moment he bowed his head again and looked at his shoes.
‘Do.. Do you know each other, Karasuma..?’ asked Hans in an arrogant voice and with pretended surprise. It was his normal style, he got used to always talking from the 100th level to everyone and also he was known as an inscrutable man, you never know what is in his mind.
The man who was called Karasuma by Hans smiled mockingly. If this mocking intended to Hans or to himself, remained a mystery.
‘Let’s say, we do,’ he said. ‘Isn't it pal?’ Suddenly he nailed his sharp look to Vic . He - if that possible at all - curled himself even more.
‘A-ha’ - he mumbled in an extremely low voice.
‘I think I am the one who disturbs Vic’ - noted Hans. ‘Better if i leave. Karasuma-’ said to the tall man. ‘Later, please come to my office as we agreed before. ‘ Karasuma nodded.
After the nerd scientist left, he turned to Vic. ‘Do you feel bad? Better if you get used to it. I will stay here for longer.’
‘W-what are you doing here?’ ‘It’s my new workplace. I am the new GYM teacher. Well, Isn't it great matt?’
Vic didn’t answer. Just looked at Karasuma with a little painful look.
‘You look not too happy from our meeting Karuma.’ said the unusually tall japanese after a short pause. ‘ Do you still feel awkward after 10 years?’ ‘Go to hell Karasuma’ Vic grumbled.
’ It certainly was not my fault Karuma-kun.’
Vic shrugged.
‘You are a little negligent, aren’t you?’ Karasuma talked in a slightly supercilious way.
‘I don’t know what a f@ck I should talk about with you, Karasuma.’
‘Hah. So there is nothing to talk about according to you.’
Vic raised his painful - now grey - look at Tadaomi.
‘You after all are not interested, are you?’
‘Why would I ask, if I am not?’ -the new gym teacher looked annoyed.
Vic lost his - after all very short tempered - patience.
‘Damn it, you jerk!’ He walked toward the staff’s room.
Karasuma followed him with fast, nervous steps.
‘Well people’ started Hans ‘I would like to introduce someone to you. Namely, the new GYM TEACHER.’
Mr Tadaomi stepped forward.
‘Mr Tadaomi!’ announced Hans.
No one showed any enthusiasm. Helga knocked on her desk with her fake nails, Thérése, the black french teacher tried to hide a yawn, the rest of the teachers also remained indifferent. Only 2 people cared among them, one was Vic, who was quite irritated and maybe a bit afraid also, and Viivi who felt Vic’s anxiety, and it’s stuck on her too.
‘No any question? No one is interested in this handsome young man?’
Hans cycled his look around them impatiently.
‘Maybe he could marry Thérése’ suggested Helga on her usual ironic sound. ‘Then the school will be populated with half breed nigg@s. They say they have very advantageous properties. The Japanese blood will fix the genetic errors.’
Thérése - in their long work-togetherness - got used to Helga’s racism, but still became angry. ‘You daughter of a bitch!’ she hissed.
‘You have been in the states for more than 15 years, and still can’t use English in the correct way.’ said Helga in a contemptuous tone. ‘Go back to Africa and practice slang!’
Thérése didn’t answer. The offense hurted her feelings, but she did not want to show it. She crossed her arms, and looked at the new teacher. ‘Yokoso, Karasuma-sensei!’ she said. She wanted to prove her well-informed status against Helga. Vic pursed his lips but didn’t comment on the African french teacher’s hidden boast. ‘Just brag nigg@’ - thought he - ‘as I know Karasuma, he will not give a f@ck..’
Vic (at this time) was wrong. The always dark and tense features of Tadaomi didn’t change, but in his eyes sparkled a small light of merriment, and a light smile also appeared on his slim slips.
‘Thank you nig.. miss!’ he said ‘Nice to meet you all!’
Thérése’s look became darker. But, after some thinking she didn’t say anything.
‘So no any further questions?’ raised his eyebrow Monsieur Woralberg. ‘If so, then everybody returns to their job to hell. Go,go,’ Hans was the omnipotent ruler of the school, everybody knew - and for some strange reason- everybody accepted this fact as well. They slowly disbanded. Monsieur Woralberg turned towards Karasuma with a bright smile on his face.
‘Bienvenue Karasuma’ he declaimed ‘Welcome in te White Shaman school!’
Tadaomi’s answer was a cold smile only.
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