Chapter Five

Bluepaw yawned tiredly as Ashstar tried to calm down the clan, apparently Dawnpaw had disappeared and Bluepaw had been up since moonhigh on search parties. "We most send out all of our cats to search for her! What if it was a badger or fox?" Creambloom fretted, who was Dawnpaw's mother, "anything could have happened, please Ashstar just a few more?". Ashstar winced as the she-cat was near to crying, "I'm sorry but the whole clan is tired and before we can look again they must rest. The storm has already damaged cats and dens and in order to fix them we need energy, Stonewatcher has been working just as hard to redo herb remedies as everyone rubbed then off last night". Mudstorm pushed close to his mate just as solemn as Creambloom, since the storm they're hadn't been much prey available because of fallen trees blocking hunting routes.
Bluepaw silently got up and headed into the forest, when she got out she felt a pelt brush her. A broad shouldered gold tom with big feet and claws he had blazing orange eyes that were blank of expression, he didn't look like a normal cat with his dark, transparent fur. "You weren't at the Dark Forest last night, Fang wants to know" the gold tom had a loud voice but it was not warm. "Oh you noticed why don't you just go and tell Fangstar that it's none of his rotten business" Bluepaw tried to walk away but the tom hit her ruthlessly back.
"Not so fast missy, I know you can't stay awake forever so you might well tell me" the tom shoved his face in Bluepaw's face, "and it's Fang". "Get your stinking fat face out of my face" Bluepaw jumped up and tried to angrily to hit him," Fang might as well be called Fangstar the way you mousebrains treat him". "Lionfire is my name if you forgotten and those mousebrains need to sharpen their claws on a brat like you" Lionfire let out a snicker as Bluepaw's paws went right through him, "oh and that trick doesn't work here". Lionfire faded abruptly into the air pushed invisibly away by a breeze, Bluepaw stared at the spot frustration turning to sorrow in her eyes.
Suddenly another pelt brushed her Bluepaw jumped thinking it was Lionfire trying to scare her, but when she turned it was Dawnpaw. "Hi Bluepaw I hope I didn't cause to much fuss" Dawnpaw meowed her voice was worried yet not for the clan. Bluepaw narrowed her eyes suspicious of Dawnpaw's worried tone, "Did you hear or see anything?". Dawnpaw shuffled her small sand paws avoiding Bluepaw's harsh gaze, "Um, maybe". 'She'll tell the whole clan and I will be ruined' she silently fretted, "you must not tell any cat anything about what you heard". Under her breath Bluepaw muttered, "silly me she can't she Dark Forest cats, I mean Moonpaw called her Dumbpaw a few times".
"And what if I can Badpaw? Yeah I've picked up on that one from Moonpaw too" Dawnpaw meow was cool like leaf bare, "Lionfire was that broad shouldered tom". Bluepaw stared speechlessly at tiny Dawnpaw that didn't seem so sweet or small, stuttering helplessly at Dawnpaw who was still piercing her with a stare colder then Bluepaw's.
"When I was first starting apprenticeship they asked me to join them, it's as if they knew what I would be perfectly deceived at that time. I was angry at Moonpaw and was frustrated that Stonewatcher was never taking me out to practice fighting" Dawnpaw's meow here become soft like a mother talking to their kit, "I was there for five moons until I realized how foolish I'd been, if I'm a medicine cat I must rely on Star clan and my mentor not anger". Bluepaw eyes widen at how wise Dawnpaw was even if she was two moons older, letting down her prickly walls Bluepaw mewed, "I've never looked at it that way but I don't think I can just leave, and I've been in the Dark forest longer than you have yet I didn't see you at all". "I practiced separately away from any cat who knew me, I wanted it to be secret" Dawnpaw blushed, "I hope soon you will know what is right, and if you need help you know I'll be right there".
Dawnpaw started to pad away Bluepaw though she tried to keep shut her mouth blurted out, "Dawnpaw can we be friends?".
Dawnpaw let out a tiny warm laugh, "You know I think I'd like that".
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