First day.

Mince waif d not get along with a lot of people, so she stays quite...
(This is what she is written in her dairy)
Mince: Well my day SUCKED AND WAS REALLY WEIRD, idk what was wrong but it was something. I walked into the door and tryed not to stare, and I visited the principal, and she was talking to this girl about her PJs 0_0 I ended up walking right into there, and heard "MY PJS ARE GREEN!!!" all I know is I hope the rest of my days are better. Anyways. After I went into there I got scolded ._. And I got to class. In class some RANDOM boy screamed "I AM VERY MAD AT MY MOMMY! SHE NO BUY ME A PHONE" everybody looked back and then they started laughing. I. Did not now what to do so I laughed I went to the cafeteria... and I sat next to a a Pomeranian...she started yelling at me and we got in a bich fight ;-; I got SCOLDED AGAIN! and went into the boys bathroom because I did not look. But! I met a nice girl named jenny bun... that's the only good thing *-*
But that's my first day...
I need better days...
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