Phoenix widow: the story of a rebel!

alert!" Phoenix widow, the daughter of the evil widow, said "Oh sorry translation aren't you excited for legacy year?" she said the thought of legacy day always made phoenix go sick in the stomach she didn't WANT to be evil but even if she could have a choice in signing the storybook of legends she knew she could ruin a lot of fairy tales, having the black widow as her mother would mean being the villain in many stories she didn't want to ruin their stories just for hers. "I don't know Meri i don't want to let everyone down because of what i want." she replied Meri sighed and then looked at phoenix "Phoenix why don't we grab some lunch!" Meri suggested Meri and phoenix walked to the castle-teria to find almost every seat full there were two left next to raven queen and Madeline hatter so they went and sat next to them "Sis if the queen of wonderland wears hearts on sleeves what does it mean?" Maddy said "That whenever she has a feen all the maids come and clean!" Meri replied raven and phoenix laughed then Beauty hearts and Apple white came in all heads turn "PHOENIX!!" Beauty said running up and hugging phoenix then she let go"PHOENIX WE ARE GONNA BE ROOMIES!!" beauty said phoenix eyes widened!
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