The Best Morning

Last night mom and dad went to the doctor because mom said the babies were on their way, and last night mom had the babies. Or should I say mom had two girls, and this morning she had my brother. When Rocky found out that mom and dad had stayed overnight at the hospital she rushed to the hospital. When Christine and I found out we had an eating contest. I was at ten one-egg omelets, and Christine was at seven (I would've won!) when Christine's phone rang. Then I puked. Not because of the eating contest (I could have eaten plenty more of those, but because Christine had her phone on speaker, and I heard dad tell her the news. Now Christine claims that she will never put her phone on speaker again because I got puke all over her omelet. I probably will do the same when I get a phone...
"Don't puke again!"Mia warns me.
"What are you complaining about? It's not like he puked on your food!" Christine says.
"I never said I was complaining! I'm just saying it would be nice if he didn't puke again! Jeez!" Mia whines.
"Why?" Christine asks.
"Well, maybe because I want to see the babies. Not watch him puke!"
"You didn't even have to watch him!"
Still! I would prefer not to have my day ruined by having to watch Jeremy puke!"
"Me too, but I also don't want to have my day ruined by fighting!" Kayla says.
"Why is everybody complaining?" I ask. Because you puked dummy! my conscience says but I try not to let it get to me because I tend to fight with my conscience sometimes, and like Kayla said, I don't want my day ruined by fighting.
"J," Brianna says. I look back and see them all sitting down in the waiting chairs. I had gotten far too lost in my thoughts again! "We have to wait for dad to come get us and bring us to mom."
"Oh," I whisper. I don't want to wait. I want to see my brother.
"Don't worry, I'll text dad," she says when she's my distraught face.
"Thanks." I say a little louder this time.
"What do you think their names are gonna be?" Riley asks.
"That's the last thing I care about!" I blurt out after a couple seconds of silence.
"Ya know, you are the cutest big brother ever!" Brianna says, "I remember Christine was the same way to you..."
"And Brianna was the same way to Mia." Christine adds.
"...And Mia will be the same way to one of the girls....or both." Kayla says.
Mia tilts her head, "Hmmm?"
"You will be...It's the way this family works....If somebody shows affection to you, you will eventually show affection to another..." Christine replies
"Unless your at the bottom," adds Brianna."
"How'd it start?" I question.
Christine smiles at me and says, "I guess Rocky showed affection to us.
As i wait for dad I do what I usually do when I'm bored in public places. People watch. The first person that catches my eye is a nurse working at the counter. Can't she bring your dad out? My conscience complains. No, she can. Now please stop complaining! I'm sure he'll be out soon! I reply firmly.
"Ugh! What can they possibly be doing?!" Mia complains.
"Jeez, Mia! I thought you weren't gonna complain!" Christine mimics.
"Seriously guys?! The only reason your fighting is because your impatient. Now just calm down.....Please!" says Kayla.
"But I wasn't complaining! I was just saying." Christine mimics again.
Usually I don't have a problem with Christine. Usually she's like a friend to me, but when she argues with Mia....let's just say she's like a sister.
"Dude! Christine! Is this really necessary?! We're at a hospital waiting to meet our new siblings, and you have to do this?!
"J, please tell them to stop!" Kayla commands.
"Why me?" I ask.
"Because people in this family actually respect you."
"Because you're....good...and you deserve respect."
I didn't want to tell them to stop. I didn't want to be bossy and annoying. So I put it off for as long as I could, and pretended to be thinking. I couldn't do it for much longer, but, thankfully, before I got the chance to tell them to stop dad came out and beckoned us to the door. Out of the waiting room! Done with the sister side of Christine, and the bossy side of J. Into the life of brotherhood!
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