The first dream...

"Mark get ready for bed I’ll be there in a minute" ''ok mom hold on I gotta finish this last homework problem, ok aaaand.... done." " alright go to bed I don't want you to be tired for church tomorrow." "ok ok mom goodnight" "goodnight mark." "Aaaah my comfy bed already doing its purpose for me alright I should really stop talking to my self its weird." I close my eyes going into the dream world preparing myself for whats in my dream.
I find myself laying in cross worlds my legs in a dark side and my chest head and arms on a light side. "Uh w-where am I" I cautiously walk to the light side hoping that no life resides in the dark side. I hear a deep but inviting voice that calls to me and says, "You are in your dreams" "N-no w-way theres n-no way im in my dreams please don't hurt me whoever you are." "Don't worry im your protector im here to guide you through your dreams I am the light side helping you fight the dark sides of your dreams this is just what you dreamed so I showed up here." "S-so your a nice guy?" "Yes im like your mentor I give you tips to help you survive in your dreams and if you die in your dream you will die in real life so don't die!" "Um o-" Rudely interrupting me the voice says, "oh and anything is possible in dreams if you dream you have wings you can fly, only in dreams you are the ruler lets test it dream you have a sword" "ok ill try." I dream that a sword will be in my hands in the next second and it worked. "woah I have a sword now I c-" For the second time the voce interrupts me. " That sword will not appear in your real life only wounds or bruises will appear on you in real life after each dream the spell that the warlock casted on you is unbreakable so dream good things or you will get hurt in real life I’ll see you in your next dream good luck and goodbye!" "no wait!" I open my eyes and find myself back in the real world I would have to live with the spell for the rest of my life.
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