The Cafeteria

“Here we go.” A large table was laid out for us. “Now we can really begin your life at Heat Keeping. My name’s Clarence. But do I look like a Clarence to you?” He threw out his stubby arms causing his big belly to lurch forward. Definitely not your stereotypical Clarence. “And that’s why they call me Big C! This is what I expect you to call me this as well!” He put his hands on his hips but his stomach still stuck out if not further. “I will be your mentor for the next two weeks and if you choose to keep me, the next 10 years of your life!” He laughed making his beard shake. I started to take a better look at him now that I wasn’t shocked. He was bald on the top of his head but hairy everywhere else. He was definitely fat but also looked muscular. He was broad-shouldered and stout. He had hazel eyes and a crooked nose that had clearly been broken before. When he smiled it was warm, friendly, and funny even though his teeth were--- not the best.
“SO, for the food situation. There’s free food that no one likes but hey, it’s free! And then there’s food you can buy which is pretty good. Also, when you get older, you can leave the grounds to go out for food. People with good money sometimes bring their own lunch. You need your energy so always get food. Now, we got your portions right there and this is the official,” he paused on the word to add effect, “Coal Table!” The guys cheered and I laughed. “Go, get it!” The boys leaped up hungry as wolves as grabbed all the food. I was left with only a little soup to eat. But it was more than I usually got before, so I didn’t complain. The soup tasted like hot sea water but it was food so I tried to savor it. There were unidentifiable chunks floating around in the broth which I wanted to avoid but decided to give it a try. Cautiously I bit into it and almost gagged. It tasted of rotting bread covered in salt to try and mask the appalling taste. I started to cough even as I tried to restrain it. Big C turned to look at me. Something passed over his eyes and he looked at the table. “’Ey, boy.” I saw him looking at Leo. “Boy, I’m talking to you.” Big C paused and I saw him getting frustrated.
“Leo,” I hissed. “Big C is trying to talk to you.”
“Hm?” Leo looked over his shoulder to Big C standing over him. “Sir?”
“Big mound of food you got there.”
“Yea, well some dried meats, bread, and a little soup.”
“That’ll be 7riks please.” said Big C holding out his massive hand.
“What? You said this food was free!”
“Yea, but when you decided to take the buffet I thought maybe you should pay a little.”
Leo opened his mouth to complain but wisely shut it and forked over the money. Then Big C strolled over to me. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t have my wallet with m--”
His hearty laugh cut me off “Nah, Snip. Go buy yourself some real food.”
Stunned I sat stick still “W-why?”
“Cause anyone else would’ve complained but you took what you got with a smile.” He jerked his chin at the good buffet and I stood taking the money.
“Thank you…” I muttered. I bought a salad for 4riks and came back to the table. I scarfed it down and then sat back with a cleaned plate.
“Good. Now off to the Ash Tray!” Big C called out.
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