☠ ~ Briar & Rachel ~ ☠

Rachel flicked her long black hair away from her eyes as she looked up slowly. "Just some water please." She replied, smiling, her dimples showing.
Nodding her head, Briar got back up and headed downstairs without making a sound, keen not to wake her already grumpy parents up!
A soft buzz emerged from Rachel's pocket, she grabbed her phone and saw she had a missed call from Diamond about an hour ago.
Gasping slightly in shock (Diamond never called her, she only used Facebook) she dialed her friend's number and waited patiently for an answer.
As she was directed to the girls voicemail, Briar entered the room once again, with two green cups full of water. She placed them on her side table as she joined Rachel on the floor.
"Who are you calling?" Briar asked silently, taking a quick glance at Rachel.
"Diamond. I had a missed call from her." Rachel answered, lowering her phone. "Crap! My phone died." She sulked, throwing her phone halfway across the room in anger.
"Isn't Emma at Diamond's house? Why don't we just ring Emma instead?" Briar said, pulling her phone out of her jacket.
Rachel nodded, snatching the phone from her and scrolling down in her contacts until she found "Emma♥"
After 11 calls, the girls decided to head over to Diamond's home, to see if they were okay. It was becoming quite strange by now.
They took the route down by the alleway to their friend's house, and after 10 minutes of shivering in the dark while shuffling around town, they reached their destination.
Only, the house seemed quiet. 'Too quiet' Briar thought, knocking politely on the family home's oak door.
However, the door was already unlocked, it seemed to the girls. Rachel leaned forward and pushed the door open gently, exposing a truly horrifying sight before them.
There, at the foot of the stairs, was Emma, blood gushing from her head as she laid motionless on the steps.
Rachel began to scream at the top of her lungs while tears spurted from her eyes. Briar quickly dialed 911, not before seeing the words "THEFT" written in blood on the wall next to their dead friend.
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