Niall Horan

How he asked you out: You walked in the gas station, Niall following after he complained about not having any food. You laughed at Niall as he grabbed as much food as he can, putting it on the counter. You got thirty dollars worth of petrol, as you pulled out the money, Niall shooed your hand away."I'll pay," Niall insured you."Niall, it's okay," you rolled your eyes, but smiled. "I can pay.""I insist," Niall nodded, swaying on his heels. You laughed, and let him pay. You and Niall walked out of the station, him holding his food, you holding your petrol. The rain had died down now, and you said that you'd walk. Niall said he'd go with you, and only Harry had disagreed. So you, Niall...and Harry, walked back to your car. You made it there within fifteen minutes, Harry complained about so much walking, and both you and Niall said that he should've stayed with the other guys.You reached your car, put the petrol in and started it up. "Do you want me to drop you off at your place?"Both boys nodded and got in the car. Harry beat Niall to the passenger seat, and Niall sat in the back, sulking. You laughed at how immature these boys were.You reached Harry's place first, and he kissed your cheek as he left the car. You rolled your eyes, and pulled away from the curb once the door was closed. You really weren't into those flirty types.As you were driving, Niall climbed into the front seat, sitting there happily. You reached his apartment, and he slowly got out, just as he was about to close the door, he hesitated, leaning down to see you."_______," he turned to him, smiling. "Yeah, Niall?""Uh, um would you, uh," Niall stuttered, which you thought was extremely cute. "Don't worry, it was stupid.""Niall," you say, your voice serious now. "Seriously, what is it?""I was just, uh, wondering if maybe you, um," Niall again stuttered, fiddling with his hands, "wanted to, uh, go out with me sometime. Only if you want to."You smiled, nodding. "I'd really like that," you say, giggling at his shyness."Great," Niall beamed. "Meet me here, five o'clock tomorrow?"You nodded as Niall closed the door, waving goodbye. You waved back as you drove of, watching Niall fist pump the air in the rear view mirror.
First date: You met Niall at his place, and he quickly made his way to your car, practically sprinting there. He opened the door, and kissed your cheek. Niall directed you where to go, and you two ended up in the middle of nowhere up somewhere in the forest. Niall got out the car, and you did the same. Grabbing your hand, Niall brought you further into the forest until you ended up at a cliff. You found the place to be beautiful, looking over everything. You stayed tere for a while. You ate, danced, and just talked about everything. But mostly ate."_______," Niall asked as you two were sitting down, watching the last of the sunset."Yes, Niall," you said, looking towards him.He looked back at you and smiled. "You're so beautiful."You blushed and turned away, embarrassed.Niall grabbed your chin, pulling your face back towards him. "I like you, alot. Will you be my princess? Will you be mine?"You nodded, mesmerised by him. You liked him alot too, and you knew you could never say no to Niall. He was just too cute.Niall inched closer to you, bringing you into a hug. Lying down, you two stared up at the sky, trying to count the stars.
First kiss: You and Niall had secretly been dating for two weeks now, but neither of you had made a move, and you were beginning to think he wasn't interested anymore. But, that all changed when Niall took you to a very public place. A football game. During half time, though you didn't know they still did it, they had a kiss cam running. You and Niall were on the screen, you pointed up to it, showning Niall. You smiled at the camera, but saw that Niall was only staring at you. You turned to him, smiling."Can I kiss you?" he whispered, his hand holding your neck. You nodded, leaning closer. Niall kissed you sweetly, just a small kiss, but it felt like fireworks erupting inside you. The crowd 'awwed'.After the kiss, you shook your head. "Niall, that wasn't a proper kiss."Niall then kissed you more passionately and for longer. You two were still on the screen."Was that a proper kiss?" Niall asked, staring into your eyes.You nodded, bringing him closer.
Break up: You were at Louis' and Harry's place, celebrating Harry's birthday. You brought out the cake, which you had made yourself, and you yourself saved from Niall trying to eat it. It had flaming candle's, celebrating his nineteenth birthday. It wasn't actually his birthday, but because he was going to be spending is birthday with family, and not you guys, you thought you'd give him a party before he goes.After singing happy birthday, Louis told him to make a wish. Harry waited a while, closing his eyes, then blew out the candles. You were cleaning up, doing the dishes. Zayn and Liam had already left, and it was only you, Niall, Louis and Harry. Niall and Louis were in the lounge room, playing snap. Harry walked into the kitchen, grabbing a can of soft drink out of the fridge."Why aren't you in the lounge room with the other boys?" you asked, placing a plate on the drying rack."I'm out, they have all the cards," Harry answered, shrugging."Did you have a good time, today?" you asked, trying to keep the conversation going and not let it turn into a flirt fest."It was alright, but I know what could make it better," Harry smirked, wrapping his hands around your waist and hugging you from behind. Too late.Harry turned you around and smashed his lips onto yours. You tried to push away, but before that could happen, Niall walked in."What are you doing?" Niall shouted. Harry pulled away and you saw Niall's face. He looked heartbroken."Niall, I-" you didn't know what to say. "I can explain."But before you could tell him what happened, he walked out the door, and ran down the street. "Niall!" you called after him, but it was too late. He was gone.
Make up: You missed Niall...alot. It was all Harry's fault. Everything bad that's happen between you and Niall is Harry's fault. You slammed your fists on the wall. Trying to not let the tears escape. Even though you and Niall were only together for a short time, you realized you loved him, and being like this, unable to talk to him, tears you to peices.You heard a knock at the door, and your eyes lit up at the thought that it might be Niall. You hurried over to the door and pulled it open. Your heart sunk when you realized it was none other than Harry Styles, the boy who ruined you."What do you want?" you spat, anger enveloping your entire being."I want to apologise, and for you to help us," Harry gestured to the boys behind him. Everyone was there except Niall."What do you need help with?" you ask, folding your hands over your chest."It's Niall, he didn't come back home after Harry's party. He's been missing since," Zayn answered. Your heart sunk even further at the thought of Niall being missing. Grabbing your keys, you got into your car, just as you were starting the car, Harry ran over to it."Do you forgive me?" he asked, his curls bouncing around his head."We'll see. I'm more worried about Niall," you answer, then speed off. You searched everywhere. You were travelling down a road, the car started to slow. "No," you shout, banging a fist against the steering wheel. Once the car came to a stop, you threw your head back and began to cry. "Niall, where are you?"After half an hour of sitting there with your eyes closed, trying to stop the crying, you heard a tap on the window. You jumped, looking towards the person. Your eyes lit up, and you threw the car door open and jumped out. Niall embraced you in a hug, both your head digging into each others shoulder's. You breathed him in, you miised his scent, his missed him. It was the ultimate Horan Hug."I'm so, so sorry," you mutter into his shoulder."I'm sorry," he muttered back, then pulled away, looking you in the eyes as he held both of his hands to both of your cheeks. "I should have heard you out.""Why didn't you?" you ask, wiping away your tears."Because I was angry, and I didn't want to do someting stupid," Niall answered, pulling you in for another hug. He whispered, "but leaving you was the most stupid thing I've ever done. I love you, _______. No matter what you do, I'll always love you.
"Proposal: Two years later, you and Niall were celebrating Valentine's day. He hadn't given you anything yet, but you had already given him his present. Two tickets to a football game. You were starting to wonder if he had forgotten your present, much like he did on your birthday. It was now half time, and you wanted to go to the bathroom, but Niall held you in your place."Niall, I really need to go," you squealed as he held you down, kissing your neck."Stay a moment longer," he just answered. Then the music signalling kiss cam was starting was sounded, you looked up to the maxi screen. But you didn't see a couple, you saw words, aimed towards you. _______I love you with all my heart.I hope you feel the same,because then this would be just stupid of me._______ _______ _______,will you marry me? The crowd 'awwed', much like they did with your first kiss, and Niall got down on one knee and pulled out a diamond ring. Tears plastered you eyes as you nodded. Niall slipped the ring on your finger and stood up, kissing you. When he pulled away, he began wiping away your tears."Why are you crying, princess?" he asked, holding your face lightly. After a few months u and niall get married and live happily ever after.♡♡♥♥♥♡♡♥♥♥
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