Where the Rainbow Begins

Where the Rainbow Begins

This is my version of the prequel of the Rainbow factory, I do not own it, AuroraDawn did, now, on to the summary The Rainbow factory had a long past, a thousand years had it stood, but what was at the beginning of the rainbow? who made the first rainbow? i'll tell you what, this is the story of a Pegasus and her machine. Dear Celestia, when will the war end.

published on February 05, 2014not completed

Dashing Rainbow

Dashing Rainbow
“Hey featherless freak, come on and get it!” a dark brown pony exclaims, holding up a blue ball with a ring of silver on it,
    “hey come on man, thats not cool” a small filly exclaims, thin and yet held herself high she had a pale orange coat with mulberry mane, she was looking furious as the older pony was picking on her
    “your nothing but a waste of space Basheroo” he states flying a little closer to her
    Dasheroo growled and jumped up at him, “It’s Dasheroo!” she exclaims, flapping her wings furiously only for her to hover for two seconds, and fall.
    the other pony began to laugh as other spectators did, thats all they did and Dash began to feel sadness, when. whoosh, a high flying kick came and hit the brown pony square in the face
    “Agh!” he screamed as he scrambled away
    i grabbed the blue ball and tossed it up, bouncing it off of my head for a bit “you know it’s rude to treat a lady like this you scum bag” i stated, tossing the ball up and bucking it, making it go flying towards his head, he quickly ducks so it misses
    “ha! who the hell are you!” he shouts getting up
    i just simply watched the ball fly by and bounce on a surface cloud when it came crashing into the back of the stallions head, the ball flew up in the air and i jumped up to it, grabbing it and balancing it on my hind right hoof. others were amazed by this, this was one of those rare moments i have where i could do something like this, i bounced the ball up and let it balance on my nose before allowing it to slide off of me, down my neck and back and onto my tail before it made it home to Dasheroo
    “you alright kid? that sure looks like it hurts” i say, noting the bruise on her cheek
    Dasheroo shakes her head, “i’m fine” she states flatly turning away
    i chuckled a bit “i think a thanks is in order Dasheroo” i stated
    “you know my name?” she states
    i nodded my head “i keep tabs on pony’s who aren’t great flyers” i stated
    “oh” she states, turning away “so you keep track of the losers so they won’t get hurt huh?” she states
    i busted out laughing, she just glares at me, i then walking in front of her, showing my pathetic wings
    “the reason i keep tabs on all of you is not only to watch over you, but to let you know that you’re not alone” i stated
    “as if, you could probably travel a hundred miles on those things” she states pointing at my wings
    i rolled my eyes “yeah if pigs could fly, i can hardly hover on these things” i complied, giving them a flap
    “but you came from the sky, kicking that bully” she states back
    “true, but i did that from jumping off that roof over there” i stated, pointing at a tall house with a strange device on top
    “what where you doing on the roof!” she asks astonished
    i grinned “i was checking the trajectory of the sun and its effects on clouds, you see water consists of a mirror like particles and if you look closely you can see different colors on how the sun is pointed at them, it’s really interesting”
    “wow” Dasheroo states
    i looked at her then the device, then back again “you wanna see?” i asked, not even sure if she was interested
    “would I!” she states
    i smiled and she trotted right next to me, she was the only one that I really ever cared for.
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To anyone who may be reading this Fanfiction, the qfeasters don't like this story as it shows features for an older audience, if you are a reader than you can move on to Fimfiction.net were this story Where the Rainbow Begins will be featured, thank you for reading this, if you enjoyed it or not, Love Ya! :3
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on September 30, 2014