Where the Rainbow Begins

Where the Rainbow Begins

This is my version of the prequel of the Rainbow factory, I do not own it, AuroraDawn did, now, on to the summary The Rainbow factory had a long past, a thousand years had it stood, but what was at the beginning of the rainbow? who made the first rainbow? i'll tell you what, this is the story of a Pegasus and her machine. Dear Celestia, when will the war end.

published on February 05, 2014not completed

The Beginning, The War

The Beginning, The War
NightMare Moon was taking over all of Equestria, no pony had control as Celestia fought to maintain order and balance, as hard as she might, she was losing. With a heavy heart she had formulated a plan, but said plan had such flaws, the elements of harmony required more than one pony to wield them, if she wield them herself, who knows what will happen, she might not have the strength to lift the sun!

She would have made a solution but she was far too busy trying to fend off Nightmare Moon, so as a last resort, she had left the plans to her followers, the Pegasi, Unicorn, and Earth ponies alike, hoping they would help aid this part of the war. To create something that would one day save equestrian. But the result lead to Equestria's most dire secret that could threaten Equeastria today.
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To anyone who may be reading this Fanfiction, the qfeasters don't like this story as it shows features for an older audience, if you are a reader than you can move on to Fimfiction.net were this story Where the Rainbow Begins will be featured, thank you for reading this, if you enjoyed it or not, Love Ya! :3
About Author
on September 30, 2014