The Toilet!!
So it was a Saturday around lunch time! My parents had invited a few friends at home and everyone settled down for lunch but i badly wanted to pee. So i told mom I could go pee alone and didn't need her to come with me! I went and you know how people pee so not gonna write that here... I usually removed my underwear and threw them on the ground to do my business so this is what i did! But when i finished and took my underwear, i don't know how it slipped from my hands and landed in the toilet -_-
My face was a sight worth seeing!!!!! I looked at the piece of cloth soaking slowly in the toilet bowl and i was disgusted!! "Mooooommy!!!!" But i saw Dad come.. "Call mooommy!!!" ... Dad looked in and went back trying to suppress his laughter then i heard him say: "Go look what your daughter did!!" And mommy came and looked.. she laughed too!! I was seriously worried about my favorite undies but everyone laughed!
Then mommy took the undies from there (luckily the underwear had not soaked completely so mommy took it out and threw it I don't know where etc!!)
PS. I don't clearly remember what happened but i can still see the helpless underwear in the toilet bowl...
Baby Akane: One of my favorite undies fell in there and until this day i never played with my undies in the toilet.. I play with them in my room now *laughing*
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