Waking Up In Another World - Hermione

Luna Lovegood is lying next to me, unconcious, her blonde hair spread out on the grass. I bend down next to her and gently shake her awake. Her blue eyes flutter open. She blinks, and sits up. She sees me next to her and smiles, "Oh, hi, Hermione."
While Luna is regaining consciousness properly, I take in the surroundings. Luna and I are with two other teenagers, older than us, about eighteen, and...a unicorn. In front of Muggles? Wow.
I confer with Luna about what happened. She only remembers the same as me - beams of light, and a strange swirling sensation. Which is quite good, considering that it's Luna.
The other two (well, three) are waking now. One of the girls, maybe the older, has a bow and arrow. She points it instantly at the unicorn as soon as she sees it. The unicorn squeaks. I walk over to the girl. "Excuse me," I tell her. "But unicorns are delicate creatures. You're going to frighten it. Besides, you're holding it wrong." The girl glares at me. "Actually, I know how to hold a bow and arrow." she snaps fiercely. I just shrug and go over to the other girl. She is looking around, seeming startled.
"Um, hello," I say loudly. "I'm Hermione Granger. Who are you? My friend Luna and I are lost. Do you know where this is?" She just stares at me. "Well, that was very informative!" I snap at her sarcastically.
The older girl stands up. "I'm Katniss Everdeen," she announces, like she's very famous. "And NO AUTOGRAPHS!" she adds. "Why would I want your autograph?" I ask. "I don't even know who you are!" "I survived the Hunger Games twice," Katniss replies, sounding amazed that I don't know who she is. "I think that speaks for itself." "What's the Hunger Games?" Luna pipes up in her soft Irish accent. "It's where people KILL YOU!" Katniss yells. "Like this?" squeaks a high voice that most likely belongs to the unicorn. I glance at it and see that it is lying on the grass in a very stereotypical 'dead' position, with its tongue sticking out and its hooves in the air.
"NO! NOTHING LIKE THAT!" Katniss screams. The unicorn sulks.
Luna is beside the dark-haired girl. "What's your name?" she asks kindly. "Bella," the girl whispers, and Luna smiles. She bends down to stroke the unicorn. "Hermione!" she laughs. "Come on! This is fun!" I stroke the unicorn too, feeling the soft fluff on its body.
For about a minute, we stay there, rubbing the unicorn as its body shakes while it giggles. We discover that its name is Skitty, and that it loves Skittles and...unicorns. She keeps repeating, "I'm Skitty! I like Skittles! And unicorns!" It gets quite annoying after the second time, and extremely annoying from the seventh time on.
Suddenly, Katniss announces, "Well, I'M leaving!" She turns to go. I look around and sigh, "I'm going to find out where we are, if no one else will." Luna stands up, saying, "Me too!" Then Skitty screeches, "DON'T LEAVE ME! I'M COMING TOO!!" and shakes her hooves in the air. Bella looks lonely, sitting by herself. Luna notices this too, and whispers, "Would you like to come too, Bella?" "Um, OK," Bella replies, getting to her feet.
We catch up with Katniss down the road. She spins around, muttering, "I didn't think you'd come."
I decide to take charge, as I often have to do, asking, "Does anyone have any idea where this is?" "I think it's New York..." Bella answers. "I'm not making any decisions until we get to a tourist office," I announce.
We walk down the road in silence, until, very luckily, twenty minutes later, we reach a tourist office. I run in ahead. I pick up a colourful brochure, with the words 'NEW YORK' decorated brightly on the cover.
"Oh, yes, this is New York," I tell the others. "I remember reading about it in-" "I LIKE SKITTLES! AND UNICORNS!" Skitty interrupts. Rude, I think, sticking my nose in the air. "I like it when you SHUT UP!" Katniss snaps at Skitty. "Oh no you didn't!" Skitty says, waving her finger in the air. I catch Luna's eye, shaking my head at Katniss and Skitty.
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