A Sonamy Love Story

Sonic made it to Amy's house, he was surprised that Amy's house was still there, so he knocked on the door, and somebody opened it and it was Amy "Sonic? i-is that you??" Sonic then smiled and then said "Hey Amy, how are ya?" Amy blushed. "I,m fine how bout you?" Sonic then blushed and said I,m fine,and that's great." Amy laughed and said "Your blushing" Sonic blushed even more. "So what's up since the past ten years? Sonic asked. Oh, just the getting some errends done and stuff, and i,ve noticed you have changed."Amy said then smiled. Sonic looked at himself and said "Yeah, i have changed did I" they both laughed. Sonic was going to tell Amy his true feelings for her, and he was going to right now. "Hey Amy, i have to tell you something.....I had feelings for you since 10 years ago, and i was to shy to tell you that, but then i realized that you left for college, i thought you were with someone else but i could,nt tell you, i didn't know where you were, i couldn,t stand not knowing and i thought to myself that you were gone forever, i would've been lost forever without you and i just wanted to say, I L-" Amy kissed him passoinaly on the lips after 10 whole seconds she stopped, and said "I love you too Sonic the hedgehog, forever and always." Sonic smiled brightly and then picked up Amy and took her upstairs and they started making out (sorry about the making out part)
the next day Sonic woke up to hear Amy volmitting (Sorry cant spell) in the restroom, he ran to his love and said "Amy love, you okay?" Amy looked at him and said "Yeah, i am, just got morning sickness" Sonic was worried about Amy, and then he said " Here, let me help you up" Sonic tried helping her up but she falls to the ground instantly, Amy tried to get up herself but instantly she falls down again, so Sonic said "Do you want me to call tails and let him see what's the matter with you?' Amy nodded and and Sonic called Tails right away, then 20 minutes later, a blue Volvo, came in the driveway, and Tails, along with Cosmo came in the door, and tails told Cosmo to stay in the living room. Tails came up the stairs, and saw Amy lying on the ground with Sonic, he said " okay, i am just going to check your stomach to make sure your not having any more pains" So tails checked her stomach with one of the things where you have to breath idk but any ways what going to happen next find out on part 2 on A Sonamy Love Story
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