Hi. I am Katelyn, I am Irish but I moved to London when I was 15. I'm 20 now.Oh and I am IN LOVE WITH 1D. And I am going to there concert with my BFFS Chole and Nicole we have front row tickets. I let hair down and straightened, and my favourite one direction shirt and my skirt. I hear a beep and look out my window. It's Chole and Nicole. I run down staris and say bye to my mom, I am sleeping over at Choles tonight. ''You look so cute Katelyn'' said Chole. '' Ya I am totally jelly'' said Nicole.'' Oh thanks guys''. Then we make concert. They start with up all night. The frist half of the concert was the best. Then in the middle of live while we're young I got a text. It was from Jason, my boyfriend.
From Jason:
Hey I am sorry to say I am breaking up with you
I was in shock. I fell back in my chair. And stared crying. Then my friends noticed and asked whats wrong. I told them Jason just dumped me. They said were at a one direction concert and I should enjoys myself while I can. They were right but I could not stop crying.
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