Star Burst is a pony who never thought of making friends. but, she did and now her friends are on their way to see what the problem is with this evil source of power. on their way they met a dog. the dog was white and could talk like a human. the dog said its name is Snowflake. the dog talked with each pony. first she talked to Star Burst, "you have journied very far Star Burst." then the dog turned to Cupcaker, "you have all ben summoned by the princess i pressume." then she turned to Lightbrightly,"and you felt doubtful about coming." the dog finshed. "well we actaully havn't ben summoned by the princess and we don't know anything about why you can talk."said Star Burst. "well i only am here to give you a quest. you must find the 3 elements, the first is unicorn elment, the secound is the pegusi element and the third is the earthpony element." the dog finshed and then disappeared.