Tri-Squad Story Collection 1

Tri-Squad Story Collection 1

This is the official story collection for Squadies! There are more but this is only the 1st collection!

published on January 06, 2014completed

Emergency Call

Me: hey! Treyton: whats sup man Me: the sky Treyton: that is not what I meant Zane: what are you talking about Me: nothing Zane: you had an emergency call! Me: oh right. we have a new enemy. Levi the crazy monster! His villain name is Tattler and you can guess why. Treyton: he tattles like Taylor? Me: yes, but Taylor just tattles. Levi cries and screams and then tattles. Zane: let me guess, he is another 2 year old enemy *rolls eyes* Me: no he is 5! Zane: I could beat a five year old in a few seconds. Me: if he doesn't break your glasses first. Zane: how... Me: he is wild I tell you wild! Then he tattles on you for annoying him. Treyton: if the Tattler breaks Zane's glasses something of his will be broken. what is the word i'm looking for? arm, leg, and back. Me: NO. We would ****ing get sued! no breaking arms unless you hold him captive which requires not being seen with him. Treyton: ok I will only set a trap to break his ankle and we would not be seen touching him. Me: we would however be seen outside setting up something. Zane: Brendan has a point. we need one of our ninja men to cover up the cameras. and how do you know it will capture Levi instead of Kelso or even Haley? Treyton: Zane you could set it up. Me: I will get a piece of paper and get his footprint! Treyton: I will dig a hole so it doesn't stick out! Zane: and I will make an electric shocking system by footprint activation. All of us: 3,2,1... GO TRI-SQUAD!!!
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on January 06, 2014