Chapter 1: The Project

Summary: Annabeth Chase is the girl that nobody sees with the crazy, outgoing and best friend. She has a passion for singing but sadly has stage fright. Only Thalia and her big brother, Malcom, know about her special talent. Percy Jackson is the most popular boy at school and also loves to sing. They meet once while driving to school but he doesn't get a good look at her. Now he can't get her out of his head! …But while that is going on, the whole school is trying to figure out the identity of the mysterious girl who has the most beautiful voice they have all ever heard! Now everyone has to keep on guessing…
A/N: This is a twist on the movie Radio Rebel.
Chapter 1: The Project
Annabeth's POV
"No Thalia! I won't do it!" I yelled at the phone that I was trying to balance on my shoulder as I pulled on my grey jeans.
"Why not?!" my best friend whined over the phone. "You know I'm failing that class. That project is the only thing that can help me redeem my grade! Plus, you are my hero."
"And why is that exactly?"
"Because you had to go through all that…stuff. And you still do. Also, you have such a beautiful voice. You can turn my frown upside down." Thalia chuckled nervously as she added the end. Wow! She really wanted me to help her do this didn't she?
I sighed in defeat. "Ok…I'll help you with the project. But why can't you just write a report instead of making a video of it like a normal person?"
"Because," Thalia said brightly,"I'm not a normal person! Plus, that's exactly why I'm failing the class. I can't seem to ever write down my feelings or ideas!" She paused for a second. "Thank you Annabeth. I know how much you hate cameras and stuff. I'll just blur your face out so nobody will know who you are. I'll also alter your voice a little bit."
"Thank you." I mumble into the phone as I relax my tense shoulders. "That would really help."
"You're welcome. Now, I need to get ready for school. See you."
"See you…" Beep. Call ended.
I finally found a top to wear and slipped it on. I then looked into the mirror and saw round grey eyes and blond princess curls. The shirt that I had found was orange and had a Pegasus in the middle of it. I sighed and threw my hair into its signature ponytail before going down into the kitchen to grab breakfast.
As I was thumping down the stairs, my two little brothers came barreling past me. "Whoa!" I squealed as I nearly fell on my face.
"Sorry!" They turned back and yelled in unison.
"S'okay" I yelled back.
"What is all this racket about?!" my stepmother, Susan, called as she came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on her pink apron. She then glared at me. Seriously, I don't know why she had to hate me so much! I mean, I never did anything to her. She had already ruined my family for me.
"Sorry. I was just going down the stairs and Mathew and Bobby almost ran me over." I gave her a tight smile.
She glared at me even harder. "Do not blame your brothers for this!"
Mathew tried to infer. "But mommy, she didn't do anything! It was our fault!"
Thank you! At least one of my step-family- members actually cared if I got in trouble.
"It's ok sweetie. You don't have to take the blame for something you didn't do. I understand if you feel like you need to do that."
"But mommy, I don't-"
"Run along to the kitchen now." She interrupted. "I made you waffles. Your favorite!" He ran.
She turned back to me. "Now, I should punish you severely for blaming your brothers but I am feeling generous today so you can't go that Thalia girl's house for a month."
"For a month?!" I screeched.
"Yes." She answered back shortly.
My older brother, Malcom walked down the stairs. "What seems to be the problem?" he asked. Before I could answer though he said, "Go to school. I'll take care of this."
I smiled gratefully and slipped into the kitchen to grab an apple for my ride to school.
"Are you ok?" a concerned little step-brother asked.
"Yeah. Malcom is handling it."
I scooted out the door before anyone else can bombard me with questions. I unlocked the door to my semi-new convertible and slid in. "Shit!" I cursed as I looked at the clock. I'm going to be late for school! I revved the engine and drove out of the driveway. Once I was far enough from my house I switched on the radio. Oh look. My favorite song! I thought as Don't Go Breaking My Heart started. I started singing as I stopped at a red light.
Annabeth: Don't go breaking my heart
Suddenly a blue Convertible stopped next to mine. I looked over and gasped softly as I saw Percy Jackson. The most popular guy in school. He smiled softly at me (though I could see that he was slightly confused on who I was considering I had tucked all my hair into my Yankees cap and slipped on some sunglasses) and sang the next line.
Percy: I couldn't if I tried
Honey if I get restless
Annabeth: Baby you're not that kind
Percy: Don't go breaking my heart
Annabeth: You take the weight off me
Percy: Oh honey when you knock on my door
Annabeth: Ooh I gave you my key
Both: Ooh ooh
Nobody knows it
Percy: When I was down
Annabeth: I was your clown
Both: Ooh ooh
Nobody knows it
Percy: Right from the start
Annabeth: I gave you my heart
Ooh ooh
I gave you my heart
Percy: So don't go breaking my heart
Annabeth: I won't go breaking your heart
Both: Don't go breaking my heart
Percy: And nobody told us
Annabeth: `Cause nobody showed us
Percy: And now it's up to us babe
Annabeth: Ooh I think we can make it
Percy: So don't misunderstand me
Annabeth: You put the light in my life
Percy: Oh you put the sparks to the flame
Annabeth: I've got your heart in my sights
Both: Ooh ooh
Nobody knows it
Percy: When I was down
Annabeth: I was your clown
Both: Ooh ooh
Nobody knows it
Percy: Right from the start
Annabeth: I gave you my heart
Both: Ooh ooh
Annabeth: I gave you my heart
Percy: Don't go breaking my heart
Annabeth: I won't go breaking your heart
Percy: Don't go breaking my heart
Both: Ooh ooh
I gave you my heart
Percy: Don't go breaking my heart
Annabeth: I won't go breaking your heart
Percy: Don't go breaking my
Don't go breaking my
Both: Don't go breaking my heart
Annabeth: Don't go breaking my
Don't go breaking my
Percy: (Don't go breaking my heart)
Annabeth: I won't go breaking your heart
Percy: Don't go breaking my heart
Don't go breaking my
Annabeth: I won't go breaking your heart
Don't go breaking my
Percy: Don't go breaking my heart
Both: Ooh oh oh oh ooh…
The last notes of the song dwindled in the air as we sat in silence. I knew Percy was trying to piece together who I was but he didn't know who it was because, let's face it, he's never actually seen me, much less know me.
Saved by the light! I thought as the red turned into green. I knew the school's hottest bad boy was about to question my identity, but I couldn't tell him. I know, I know! It was kind of cruel of me to sing a love song with him and then leave him on a cliff hanger of who I was but… Part of me (well a big part of me) wanted to tell him but then the other side of me was scared that he would be into the disappointment of his life time. After all, I was the invisible girl of the school.
I slammed my locker shut just in time to see Thalia stick her head in my face. "So…we'll do the video after school. Got it?"
"Ummm…sure." I said uncertainly.
The bell shrilled loudly. "Darn it! I was supposed to meet Mr. Gron early today."
I shook my head at Thalia's forgetfulness. As I started to walk to the first of the five rooms I had to indenture every day, I noticed someone walking toward me. But it was too late. The body slammed into mine and all of our books went flying everywhere. Oh no! My songs and all my homework! I thought desperately as my papers landed on the floor.
"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" a deep masculine voice said. I knew that voice… I looked up into sea green eyes. The most beautiful eyes I had ever seen…
Percy's POV
I looked down and saw the most intense, grey eye I had ever seen. They were beautiful, but I had never seen her before. "Are you ok?"
"Um-uh…" the girl stuttered. "I guess, I mean…yeah. Just a little surprised that's all."
"Ok. Ummm good…I guess." I helped the girl pick up her books and papers. I examined them further and observed that the papers had all type of music notes on them. So she was into music? Before I could ask her though, I was interrupted by a shadow falling over us.
"Hey dude. What are you doing on the floor with a random chick?" It was my best friend, Nico DiAngelo.
"Nothing. I was just helping her pick up her stuff. I bumped into her. What's your name anyway?" I asked the blond headed girl.
"Annabeth." She said.
"Annabeth Chase?" Nico asked.
"Uh, yeah. How did you know?"
"Thalia told me about you."
"You know Thalia?"
"Yeah. She sits next to me in Language Arts. She talks about you all the time."
"Wait. So you're not new here?" I turned to Annabeth.
"No! Of course I'm not!" I could tell that I had gotten her miffed. Oops… "I have been going here since the beginning of high school and we happen to have all of our classes together!" Wow. Now I really feel bad! As her grey eyes turned into the darkness before the storm, she picked up the rest of her papers on her own. She then turned on her heels and walked off.
"Hehe." Nico giggled. He put a hand in front of his mouth to try and muffle the noise.
"That was not funny!" I growled. "I feel bad." He continued to laugh. "Really!" I insisted.
"It kind of was." He finally bit out. "I mean, not the part that you thought she was new. That was kind of mean considering she has been here the whole time, but the part that you're so caught up in yourself."
"First of all: I am not! And second of all: What does that have to do with anything?!" I protested.
"I'm saying that if you weren't so caught up in yourself, that you would actually know what was going on around you. For example, did you know that Maddy broke her leg yesterday and can't cheer at the game tomorrow?"
"…Maddy is a cheerleader?"
"HA! See? You didn't even know. Which is kind of surprising since it was all these people talked about for like two weeks…." Nico trailed off.
"That-that isn't fair!" I insisted.
"What's not fair? The part that you don't know what's going on in the school that you practically own? Yeah. I agree. That isn't fair."
"Whatever." I walked off.
"I'm just telling the truth!" Nico yelled after me. I ignored him and walked to my first class… The one I supposedly share with the grey- eyed, blond haired beauty that goes by the name Annabeth Chase.
End of chapter! I'm sorry if the chapter was cliché and if the characters were slightly OOC. I have had this idea for a long time. Please review and tell me if you feel that this is as good of a story as I think it is. If you don't think so, it's ok. Please review! I love you guys' feedback! :)
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