
"Who are you?" Lola whispered. She was lying on the sleeping Milo, near the camp fire.
"If I tell you, you are gonna scream and I will be attacked so you will just have to keep your mouth shut." Sorrow scolded, it took him a whole to calm down. "I am Sorrow."
Lola was shocked, she didn't know what is happening. She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. Sorrow was shocked.
"I knew you would come back. You... Are... My... Hero." Lola was crying. Sorrow knew what was going on. He was in the future. That's why Inosuke looked so different...
Lola was Sorrows daughter. Sorrow was older, but still 18.
"How did this happen? Why am I still 18?" Sorrow was confused.
"You ran away and found a t-"Lola began.
"Aaaw! Past and future! What a perfect time to kill!" Inosuke was followed by cougars and other big cats. 'Where is your army Sorrow?"
"Right here!" Wolves appeared from purple dust. They were at least the size of Sorrow. The smallest wolves were up to Sorrows knees.
"Prepare for war." Sorrow thought he sounded like the sages in the stories.
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