The Cursed School

“Stop,” I hear. I freeze, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I don’t look back, afraid of what I might see.
“It’s too dark.” Something moves behind me. The light keeps shining and I see the door right in front of me. I don’t think, I sprint towards the exit. I almost think I’m gonna make it until darkness spreads. covering my sight like a cloth. I can’t see, my breath stops and I try to keep running but I feel like with every step I take, I’m stepping into nothingness. I go numb, I don’t know if I’m still running or not. But when I think my last thought I know I’m dead.
“Thank god you’re here.” Sergeant Brown says, Luna Charles walks in and she sees the person Brown is interrogating. Her eyes and red and she sniffing whilst holding her nose with a handkerchief.
“Detective Inspector Charles,” She holds her hand out for the crying woman to take, “You must be Sara Clarke.” Mrs. Clarke furrows her eyebrows at Luna,
“Is this a joke?” She asks, Luna shakes her head,
“No. Now,” Luna starts, “I understand that your son, Harry Clarke” she says delicately careful not to hit any pressure points “Disappeared last night.” Mrs. Clarke nodded,
“H-he was at his friends house.” Her voice wavered but she continued, “They said that he went into the school and didn’t come out.” Luna wrote her notes on a notepad while Sergeant Brown, David, asked her,
“Is there any reason, that any of the people you know might have wanted to… take Harry.” David chose his words carefully, they knew that an emotional interrogation was unnecessary and counterproductive. Sara sniffed and blew her nose,
“I… No, no one would ever want to take him.” Her eyes filled with tears again. “He was just a regular boy.” The Sergeant’s face is clouded with frustration but DI Charles says,”It’s okay.” You don’t need to answer. If you think of anything,” She hands Mrs. Clarke a card, “Just call, anything could help.” With that, Luna and David walk out.
“Why did you do that?” David asked her,
“We need to start at the source, we’re only going to figure this out if we investigate in the right order.” Sergeant Brown spins her around and snaps her fingers in front of her face.
“Listen, you may be Little Miss Child Prodigy.” He says to the teen Detective, “But you need to think like an adult. Think like a sane person.”
“The only person who’s acting insane is you at the moment.” She pushes David away and climbs into the passenger seat of his car.
“So, we’ll question Harry’s friends?” He asks,
“Yes,” Luna says shortly and looks out the window. Stupid Adults She thinks
“Alright then,” David grumbles to himself, Stupid Teens He thinks
“Hello?” The Sergeant knocks at the door of Joshua, one of Harry’s friends. They’d been standing there for at least 5 minutes,
“HEY!” Luna yells and bangs on the door,
“Open!” She said, They hear voices from the inside,
“Oh sh*t Cal, someone’s at the door.” There are footsteps before someone opens the door.
“Hi,” He says,
“Yeah, hi. What on earth are you guys doing that would make you not open the door?” Luna asked, the guy (Supposedly, ‘Cal’) said,
“We’re watching a video.”
“What vi-“ Luna started but David cut her off,
“May we come in?”
“Why?” Cal asks,
“We need to ask you a few questions concerning Harry Clarke.” Luna crossed her arms,
“What kind of a hoax is this? You’re not the police.” Calvin said smugly, Luna smiled sarcastically and said,
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, Detective Inspector Charles.” She held out her hand,
“I want to see and i.d.” He folds his arms. Luna sighs and takes out her wallet. After a while of convincing and some annoyed words from Sergeant Brown. Calvin let them in.
“Who was it?” They heard someone say once the door closed,
“The police. They’re asking about Harry.” Cal answered. We hear thumping from around the corner and someone runs up to us.
“Hi, yes, what?” He asks quickly, Sergeant Brown holds up his pen and paper and starts to ask a question before Luna says,
“What’s that?” Joshua raises his eyebrows,
“What’s what?” He asks,
“That around the corner.” She points and Josh steps in front of her.
“Nothing, notes.”
“For what?” She asks,
“May we take a look?” Sergeant Brown asks, narrowing his eyes at Luna.
“What do you care?” Josh asks,
“We care about anything related to the disappearance of Harry Clarke.” Sergeant Brown stated bluntly, Josh sighed and seemed to be debating with himself,
“What could happen?” Cal said and gestured for us to go. Josh reluctantly let Luna through. The room was filled with old newspaper clippings, blurry photos, and writings mostly depicting a light or some sort of spirit.
“What’s this?” Luna asked,
“I don’t believe you’re a copper.” Josh said, folding his arms. Luna rolled her eyes and continued,
“What’s ‘The Light’? She asked, reading off of the first article she found.
“It’s what killed Harry.” Cal said, he pointed to one of the photos. “A blind girl was buried alive at the academy. They say that when she died, she saw light for the first time.”
“So you’re saying that a spirit took your friend?” Luna asked, raising her eyebrows.
“No,” Josh said grimly, “Harry’s dead.” He looked at Cal.
“We both know it. I’m not gonna make any false hope.” Sergeant Brow spoke and said, “Contrary to what you think, is there any other reason that someone might have taken him?” Cal and Joshua were annoyed at this point,
“Didn’t you listen?” Cal asked, “It was her, it was The Light.”
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