Warriors (by Imagine Dragons)

I'm sleeping, and I know this. I can just tell. But I don't want to wake up; everything is perfect in sleep. It can be anything that I want it to be.
Something nags at me. But I ignore it. It's something important, but it's about my real life. My awake life. I don't like that life. At least, not anymore.
I feel like I'm home. Beautiful, perfect....
I'm not home anymore.
I remember.
I'm awake now.
I try to shut my eyes tightly and fall back asleep, back into ignorant bliss, but I can't. I can't forget about my life. My NEW life, that is.
I finally open my eyes.
I'm lying in the dust. The sun has just barely appeared over the horizon, but Xeven is already awake. He's packing. His scowl makes his scars look all the more angry.
He grunts when he sees me. "You're awake."
I nod, sitting up and yawning. "Yeah."
He doesn't bother to say anything else, stuffing the last of our meager supplies into Saijia's -- his horse's -- saddlebag.
"Where are we going?" I know that it's useless to ask, but I can't help myself. I've asked him every single day since...
Since that day. The day everything changed.
Since he kidnapped me.
Or saved me.
It could go either way, depending on who's telling the story.
Me? I'm still not sure exactly which it was.
Just as I expected, he doesn't bother to answer. He just mounts his horse and looks at me, a silent command to climb up so we can keep riding.
I mumble something about it being too early to actually do anything, but he ignores me and I find myself climbing on anyways.
We've been riding almost non-stop for three days now. At this point, all that I can do is wonder how much longer we're going to go...
It'll be a LOT better if I actually make it a full story, promise! ^_^
Xeven is as much a main character as Asterisk (the girl from whose POV you just read), so I'd need someone who can actually write from a guy's perspective to complete this story.
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