All the nation's and counties joined in with, " YEAH WE LIKE WAFFLES!!!" Canada then said, "Do you like pancakes?" The nations again, "YEAH WE LIKE PANCAKES!!" Canada, "do you like french toast?" Hungary and Belgium both said, "no, no one likes french toast...."
((Rest is for space! bSndienei wnsiw nwo wisbej xijeid ndisne 88eje jxijd idjd8e jdndud hd8sushd8ehudhs u did u did he is us issus in d id ba d I did jobs she sisseh did jsudjs Bains is sushi jsudj is is be suisse issue is his I did us did dj didn't issue be I sidi end Heidi Heidi I did I didn't is I did didn't I did u dish did is I did did I did I'd brain dnidjdndudjfnficnf uxuxidjdjxfbfndudhdhd xidididjdn;! €!&! &!&!*!&!&##, &'*#£#,€#, &!&! €××¥♡○♤○{♤¡nien &÷£÷*÷£÷&÷€#&#,An ner hajj she bSndienei d id I didn't sjdidj))
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