Kabir's Tax

Kabir's Tax

This story is about a man named Kabir who workred in a farm called Kabir's farm .

published on October 08, 2013completed

Kabir's Tax

Kabir's Tax
Long ago there lived a man called  Kabir. He had a farm known as Kabir`s Farm. One day king Akbar came with his soldiers in Kabir`s farm. King Akbar ordered to one of his soldier to go and take tax from Kabir. The soldier went to Kabir and said give the tax of this year. Kabir replied I have no money. So the soldier went back to king Akbar replied he says that he has no money to pay. King Akbar said to his next soldier to go and check that whether he is saying the truth or not. The soldier checked Kabir`s house but he found no money. Then the soldier returned to king Akbar and replied my lord he was saying the truth he has no money. King Akbar ordered to his next soldier to go and take the half part of his crops he had grown this year. The soldier went to Kabir and said give the half part of your crops you had grown this year. Kabir asked which part  would you like to take the upper part or the lower part of the crops, The soldier was very intelligent so he said I'll take the upper part. Kabir had grown carrot this year so the soldier got nothing because carrot`s grow in the lower part of the ground. Next year same thing happened so the king said to the same soldier to go and take the lower part of his crops. The soldier went again to Kabir and said give the half part of the lower part of the crops you had grown this year. This year Kabir had grown  rice. Rice grows on the upper part of the ground. So this year also the soldier didn't got anything. Kabir used his bran both the years .Then Kabir thanked to god because he gave him the chance to show his ability. Kabir then lived happily forever.
                The Moral of the story is: We should use our brain even if there is a very big difficulty also.
by Sayed Mustafa Hasan.                  
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