You owe me one Megaman!
"Then that means..." Lan started,
"Chaud is here!" Megaman finished.
Chaud and Protoman were legendary official Net-Battlers, also known as the Net-Police. Chaud was the richest boy around and he operated Protoman perfectly, while Protoman's Net-Battle skills was the best, even better than Lan's.
"What's a Civilian Net-Battler doing around here" Chaud questioned,
"We were-"
"Forget it, leave before you get hurt, let's go Protoman!" as Chaud began to Jack out.
"You owe me one Megaman."
And with that, they left.
"What's with that attitude, that little-"
"Lan, calm down. Everything is OK now, that's what matters. No matter how rude he is."
"Yeah, you're right Megaman."
As they trudged home. Lan smelled something delicious.
"Lan! I cooked some of that fish that Maysa gave us!" His mom said.
"Maysa? That Fisherman obsessed with fish? Hey Megaman..."
"Yeah Lan?"
"Isn't funny, When ever Commander beef shows up, Maysa is gone."
"Now that you mention it it's kinda strange." Megaman wistfully said.
"Hey Lan, I'm kinda tired and beat up, can you put me on the recharge stand?"
"Sure Megaman, I'm kinda tired too, so I'll take a short nap.*Yawn*"
"Alright Lan, just make sure you do take a short nap."
"Why?" Lan said,
Megaman answered, "One word, 'Homework'."
Lan groaned out loud as he trudged up the stairs.
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