After going around the holl sryer and hobbits not letting him in he had came to the end of the path and saw a little green door it wasn't like the other door's it didn't have any carvings on it at all. It had a glode nob in the middle of it. And for strange reason it had a beautiful glode glow about it so kili though he would give it one last try hello kind Sri im sorry to bother you but would it be possible to spend the night. A little hobbit with mousey brow and a green waste cote with glode buttons and very hairy feet reply just give me a minute. Kili could haer to voice behind the door there was the hobbits and the second was a young girls voice. And the little hobbit welcome to my home my name is bilbow bagens!. Oh thank you bilbow for letting me stay kili reply but I thought I herd to voices. Oh,,yes you did I also have a nuther dwarf staying with she is a young girl just a wee bit younger than you. Bilow siad. Would you like a cup of tea. Kilis eyes little up oh yes please if you dont mind. Bilbow said not at all not at all youg price.