
I go down to the training ground and see Charlie walking towards the grounds aswell. I have my knife (Pic ) on a sheath. I walked over to the target practice and Charlie came over.
"Person with most amount of points wins," I challenge
"Your on," He pics up his knife. My first hit is bulls eye. His is the red ring. Mine is Bulls eye, his is yellow circle ouside of bulles eye. Mine is bulls eye and so is his.
"Your a quick learner" I say
"And your a good shot." He replies. We head over to the hand to hand combat area. We circle then he aims for my head. I duck and punch his stomach. He kicks my leg which trips me up but before I hit the ground I regain balance. I hit his side and I wonder if it hurt. When he fight his brown hair ruffles and his muscles flex. He went for my side and I rolled round. Then I hit him on the back but he had lifted me and shoved me on the floor. For a moment I felt something as he was so close but it went as quickly as it came. "Damn, you beat me again." I cry
He helps me up and says "Yeah but that was pretty tough,"
"Yes, its saturday. No more school." I rejoice
"See you around," He says and walks off.
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