Me and my smuf bob family

Me and my smuf bob family

I have a mum bobeena A dad called bobo And me bob But that's not all there is a secret person in the family

published on August 01, 2013not completed

The big adventure to fined his long lost brother

The big adventure to fined his long lost brother
It has been 3 days since bob has had the news and still does not have any thing but he will not give up

Mum mum mum I got some info they dint not change his name it's bobert and I ink now I can track him down plus he is age well if your 31 and you where 14 when you had him he is 27
Well done son

A week later
yea yea yea I tracked I'm he lives in Wales Come on  lets go wails
I can't it's to fare
But mum he is my brother
You obviously don't love him
I do I do
No you don't (shout slam door)

Oh no bob don't go (cry)
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What a smurfy story! :)
About Author
on August 01, 2013