Celebi,Red,and his pokemon

“Celebi used Perish Song.”
A screech came out of my GBA, and I almost dropped it as the screen went white. A part of me was relieved, thinking that my final Pokémon had been KO’d and I would be transported to a Pokémon center… but I was wrong. My sprite reappeared in what looked like a cave; was I now inside the mountain?
I checked my trainer card and felt sick. The sprite was just as mauled as the Pokémon had been; a leg gone. A single eye remaining, pitch-black and so, so sad looking, tears welled up at the corner… And every color on him was replaced by those sick shades of frosty blue-and-grey. Every stat on the card was reduced to 0, except the time, which still read 999:99.
I quickly moved back to the map. His sprite there mimicked the horror it had become on the trainer card; pieces were missing, everything was discolored. I started trying to walk, and at first I received a message.
“It’s so cold.”
There was only one direction to go- upward. I moved on, and every now and then would be stopped by a message that made my heart sink lower and lower.
“It feels so cold…”
“I can’t go on…”
The walls, as I walked, became darker and darker, until they were pitch-black at the end.
There was an exit there, marked only by a white outline. I had no other choice but to go through it.
It opened into a chamber that was also solid white… the only way to distinguish the walls was a thin grey line that marked them as separate from the floor. Against the far wall there was another sprite. Red’s sprite. Intact. I had come this far… I had to finish this. I walked right up to him and hit A.
A battle started.
Red’s sprite had none of the deformities that marred my own. The colors were the same blues and greys, but he was intact. He just looked… extremely sad. His first Pokémon came out; Venusaur. It was just like my own had been… but level 0, with a speck of health. I sent out typlosion, who had just 6 Hit Points (HP) left. No Pokémon made a sound when they were brought into battle.
Stuff...The normal and frostbitten sprites of Red's Blastoise, Venusaur and Espeon.
CreepypastaforthesoulAdded by Creepypastaforthesoul
“Venusaur used struggle!”
There was no animation, just a single point of damage done to typhlosion, and then the opposing sprite dropped off the screen.
“Venusaur has died!”
There was no text asking me to switch out. Instead, there was just what I took to be dialogue from Red.
His next Pokémon was Blastoise, even more mangled than Venusaur had been. It too struggled and died. After each round there was that ominous “…” from their trainer. Every sprite was more damaged than the last; his Espeon was barely distinguishable as a Pokémon. I realized somewhere he was sending them out all out of order, which saved one Pokémon for last…
SnowonmtsilverThe normal and frostbitten sprites of Meganium, Pidgeot, and Red's Pikachu
MooplerishAdded by Mooplerish
Pikachu came out, and it was grotesque. It, too, was discolored like it was frostbitten. It was missing an ear, half its body and tail, its head was mostly intact but its eyes were much larger than they should have been, and glared out at me like pitch-black windows into hell… but the thing that got me the most was the giant smile that extended almost all the way to the edges of its head. Its health was somehow at 0, or at least looked that way. My hands were shaking. I didn’t get a chance to attack.
“Pikachu used Pain Split.”
“Pikachu has died! Typhlosion has died!”
It cut back to the image of Red’s sprite… and now it looked like mine, with his body so butchered it looked like a carcass stripped of most of its meat… except it had those same, soulless, deranged eyes as Pikachu.
I finally understood what happened. They were dead. They were dead, and this sub-level of the mountain was the hell they now existed in.
Red finally spoke.
“It’s over.”
The screen flashed black and white for a moment.
“Used Destiny Bond!”
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I didn't make the story. Im just here to share it with you. Heres is the movie. Scroll all the way down and you will find the video