Zodiac (warrior cats)

Zodiac (warrior cats)

Well the story's not mine but its a great story I wanted to share with you. There will be 8 cats 4 will die and the others shall live.

published on July 27, 2013completed

Chapter 18

Cinder and ash covered the rock wall surrounding ThunderClan camp, bits of the small gray flecks still scattered the clearing.
Charredpaw looked down at the scorched grass below his paws, it had turned a dark brown almost black shade. ThunderClan camp was beginning to heal already, but it still looked horrid compared to its once peaceful and tranquil appearance.
"Hey Charredpaw" a meow came from the newly named Snowspots, who was looking out across the camp.
"Aren't you supposed to be on the dawn patrol?" Charredpaw had remembered Dovestar ordering the young warrior only this morning.
Snowspots shrugged, "Alderfern went instead, I guess she wanted to go more than I did."
Charredpaw could sense that there was something else behind the young warriors reasoning, he always did have a bit of a crush on Alderfern.
Kind of like Mossypaw, he still was wary constantly of the young she-cat. Mossypaw had a way of sneaking up on Charredpaw at the worst possible times, and then acting like they were practically mates.
Charredpaw was only eight-moons old! He didn't want a mate, and even if he did, he wouldn't have chosen Mossypaw.
As Charredpaw began to walk over to the fresh-kill pile, he noticed Antleg and Pepperfoot gossiping about him. Cats in ThunderClan tended to do that ever since he put out the fire.
Most either praised him like a hero, or cats like Ivypool and Rosepetal said he was evil. But Charredpaw didn't really care what either of the sides thought, he was a loyal cat of ThunderClan, and did what he had to in order to protect it.
That reminds me, Charredpaw thought out of the blue. I need to learn how to use this power, he still hadn't mastered it.
Actually the ginger apprentice was far from mastering it. But where could he practice? There most certainly wasn't any fire still in ThunderClan camp.
But then an idea sparked in the young toms mind, that's it! Last sunrise his brother Sandpaw mentioned that there was still some fire burning near the Moon-Pool, obviously lightning had struck there as well.
And that was good because it was just a small fire, the perfect amount for Charredpaw to harness his ability with!
Padding towards the Thorn-Tunnel, Charredpaw quickly told Mothspots that he was going off to hunt. Sunlight beamed through the tops of the trees, scattering bits of light across the dappled forest floor.
Thankful of the shade cast from the leaves above, Charredpaw padded in the direction of the Moon Pool. The place where Medicine Cats met with StarClan lay past both ThunderClan and WindClan.
As he neared the the cavern, Charredpaw could smell a faint whiff of smoke still lingering in the began to disperse into open grassland, where the once green grass was now scorched into a dark golden shade.
And that's when Charredpaw spotted a tiny flicker out of the corner of his eye. He saw a branch knocked over from the storm. It was scorched pitch black, but it held glowing orange and yellow embers.
But would this work? Technically this wasn't fire, it was just burning embers.
But for some reason Charredpaw felt a deep rooted connection to the fire, he knew he could control it, he sensed it. Narrowing his eyes, the ginger apprentice focused his mind onto the burning embers and all at once the branch erupted into burning flames.
"Woah" Charredpaw gasped, stepping back from the shock of the ignition.
It worked! Enthralled by the burning flames only a mouse-length from his face, Charredpaw flicked his tail slowly and the flames began to move.
"Awesome" he gasped as the flame moved in whichever way he flicked his tail.
At this rate Charredpaw was going to be the most powerful Zodiac in the forest, he had the best power out of all of them! But then all at once as his gaze became distracted by a passing rabbit, the flames erupted to twice their size.
The fire spread from the burning tree branch, onto a large oak tree where it began to burn.
"Uh-Oh" Charredpaw didn't know what to do, he didn't have a rock wall to put the fire out this time! Spotting the lake in the distance, the apprentice wondered if he could bring the fire to the lake, even though it was quite far away.
But I can't just let it burn, cats could get hurt! Making up his mind, Charredpaw narrowed his eyes and flicked his tail towards the lake. All at once the flames began to abandon the Oak Tree, and move in the direction of the lake.
For awhile they moved in a slick and neat pathway, and as they moved Charredpaw made sure to stomp on the embers so they wouldn't start another fire.
This isn't so bad, Charredpaw was handling this fine!
But as a hot breeze drifted through the warm Green-Leaf air, making the pathway of flames flicker.
"No!" Charredpaw yowled as the inferno began to intensify, it began to break off course.
He tried to stop it from going anywhere, but that only made the flames larger. And Charredpaw could only stare in disbelief as the flames he made burned across the ground, heading towards WindClan territory.
An inferno like that could easily destroy an entire camp, he could have just destroyed all of WindClan.
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Comments (8)

I love it all tough I just started! It's written do well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D
About Author
on March 17, 2014
:) lol ok :p
About Author
on December 28, 2013
This is so long! I'm only on Chapter 4! (Chapter 6 according to qfeast). But it's good so I don't mind!!!! :)
About Author
on December 28, 2013
About Author
on December 10, 2013
Thanks minister!
About Author
on December 10, 2013
No my friend did! She took forever!
About Author
on August 23, 2013
unbeliavable! did you REALLY write that?!
About Author
on August 23, 2013
I've read it great story :) gotta put 5 stars
About Author
on July 27, 2013