Chapter 16
Water splashed onto the dried shore, creating dark spots where the water seeped into the sand. Otterpaw dove through the murky surface of the lake, the water cooling her pelt which felt like it was on fire.Bubbles rose to the surface as she started to breath underwater, this was amazing! Otterpaw saw fish swim by her glassy gaze, some even turning to look at her in what looked like surprise.
I love my power, Otterpaw thought as she twirled through the cool aqua mass.
She kicked with her back paws to go further down to the bottom of the lake, and for a moment she wondered if there even was a bottom. But soon she could see plants rising up from the sand beneath her, they seemed to dance as the water current picked up.
Suddenly feeling hungry, Otterpaw spotted a trout less than a fox-length away. Narrowing her eyes, the light gray cat shot through the water like an underwater falcon, catching the fish in her jaws on impact.
She quickly killed it, and soon began catching fish after fish.
At this rate Otterpaw was going to feed the whole clan! Surfacing to drop another fish on her growing pile, Otterpaw noticed something large underneath her.
It was long and black, and slithered like a snake.
A snake! An underwater snake was coming to get Otterpaw! But as she looked closer, Otterpaw soon realized it wasn't a snake at all, it was an Eel.
Sighing as she came above the waters surface, Otterpaw gasped as the hot air entered her lungs. She longed to stay in the cool water, but knew she had to return soon, the clan needed food.
Picking up the three fish by the tails, Otterpaw was just barely able to carry them back to camp in before she dropped them.
"Wow" Patchpaw, a black and white she-cat gaped, "You caught all of that yourself?".
"Yup" Otterpaw smiled as she licked her jaws of the fishy taste, it made her stomach growl.
"Great job Otterpaw" a meow came from her mentor Nightwater, who stood next to his mate Pondripple. Suddenly feeling hot with embarrassment, Otterpaw pawed at her muzzle.
"It was nothing, I just like helping the clan" she didn't want any extra attention, Otterpaw just wanted to be useful, that's all.
As Patchpaw and his sister Lilacpaw took a fish to the queens in the nursery, Otterpaw plopped down on the grass with a contented sigh. She barely noticed her mother Berryheart sitting behind her, the former queens light brown pelt shone in the intense sunlight.
"You know your eyes turn the color of sapphires when your wet" her mother remarked, grooming her daughters pelt until it was fluffy.
"Really?" Otterpaw looked in a small puddle nearby, and gasped. Her eyes did look like sapphires, even though she hadn't seen any before, Whiteleopard said they looked like bright blue stones that reflect the moons light.
And that's exactly what Otterpaw's looked like, although when her pelt began to warm, they soon returned to their dull glassy shade. Entranced in the small rippling puddle, Otterpaw barely noticed as Rushpaw plopped down beside her with an angry sigh.
"What's wrong?" she asked, turning over and prodding her dark gray and white furred friend.
Rushpaw pulled a water vole towards him and looked at Otterpaw, "Whiteleopard made me her apprentice that's whats wrong, I don't even want to be a stupid Medicine Cat! But no, once Mallowstar found out that I could sense cats emotions, he made her my mentor."
Otterpaw felt sympathy for the tom, no cat should be forced to do something they didn't want to. Although Rushpaw probably would make a better Medicine Cat then warrior, he never had been the toughest.
And his physique always had been more that of a she-cats, he was small and pretty, just like Otterpaw!
"Why are you so happy?" Rushpaw smirked as he stared at her.
"Me?" she asked while turning over to eat a bit of trout, "Why do you think I'm happy?".
"Because" Rushpaw growled as he looked at her, "The light around you is golden, that means your happy. Red means angry, and Blue means sad. And when cats are sick, their color is Green."
That was quite complicated, Otterpaw was glad her power wasn't like that! As the day went on, the apprentice soon noticed that tension was in the air, something was wrong.
"Mallowstar's really angry" Rushpaw mentioned as he folded his paws underneath him, "His light is so red it looks like he's on fire!".
"I wonder why?" Otterpaw asked as the leader jumped onto the large rock, and sounded a call.
"Cats of RiverClan" his voice bellowed through the ground. "It has come to my attention that WindClan has been spotted on our border, Petalfur take a patrol to make sure they leave. If they don't, then attack. Send a messenger back so we can get more warriors if there's a battle, I've had enough of them stealing our fish."
Otterpaw perked with excitement as Nightwater told her she was coming on the patrol. Now most cats wouldn't be this excited to fight another clan, but Otterpaw really was.
I could meet another Zodiac! And if she did in fact meet another Zodiac, then maybe they could work on bringing peace to the forest.
One thing the forest didn't need, was more fighting. And if there was any way Otterpaw could stop that from happening, she most certainly was going to.
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