Dance party dreams

Yeah I know .. i'm bad at making jokes like these..
But it's not like I hate chemistry.. or not like I totally don't get it... it's the teacher that I don't get it! Our chemistry teacher makes some silly puns & laugh by himself.
And the thing I really don't like every teacher's same old trick "make a mistake and cover it up like i did it on purpose " and when the sharpest kid of the class emily spots it we all have to clap like 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3!
Maybe its not that irritating if it's done once or twice. but if it goes like weekly thrice...
Anyway, my plan was going fine untill out chemistry teacher spotted us and gave us just 2 minutes long lecture & asked us to get in the class quick. just then to make things more worse , Alice appeared out of nowhere with her followers and said
"Oh look who got scolded. it's none other than Class Clown Maya with her fellow clowns . She even turned the ex school captian, Erika into a comedian. That's why she's an "Ex Captain" " She laughed so muchthat her voice was cracking so hard . It was more horrible than those SHINY HYENAS..
"Ignore her, Maya" Erika said keeping her hand on my shoulder
"Yeah let's go" Amy grabbed my hand. I was going away from her but when she gave me a horrible look that i couldnt help but ..
Throw my chocolate milkshake on her face..
And i didnt feel bad for doing that. she deserved it!!
"Oops sorry" I said and tried to escape but she pushed me and I bumped into..omg no
It cant be him...
It was Avi...The guy whom i had crush on since 5th grade. I don't know why but he was kind of good natured , Class leader and also Present school captain and in swimming club
Good at sports, Art, Studies a totally opposite of ..ME.
I had my heart beat so fast and i was deep breathing i and out and making noises just like a Train.
I quickly moved aside & was staring at him . He then said " Um..are you fine?"
When i came back to reality from my fantasy land of unicorns and love cupids, there were my friends looking at me all confused, Alice looking at her uniform in horror
Her uniform was different from rest of us. it had additional embroideries with laces and glitter & beads . She is a tricky cat with green eyes & blonde hair
She started to cry & her friends supported her "act". She claimed that the milshake was so cold that it hurt her nerves!!!
Then happened the most horrible & unexpected thing. Avi pulled his jacket & gave it to her. I was like "NOOOOOO"
but then he said "Now calm down and dont create a drama in front of all" He was rude but why giving his jacket!!!?!?
And she was twirling her hair & blushing . I couldnt stand all that drama!! That's when i turned back and ran away before i cried. i dont know why but i wanted to cry so hard. is it because i was jealous.? no idea.. i thought i just had a little bit crush on him thats all..
After Attending that boring chem class , we had another boring class which is volleyball, Sports. it's horrible, not the sport but the girls who play with me. who likes it when people knowingly throw the ball at your face everytime. Alice & her group of fans do that.!! Somehow i escaped from there and went to the Classroom
i opened my book and started to write my incomplete notes which i have to complete before noon
When i was about to finish,
I recieved a note saying that from the vice captain
now what did he want from me? I was frustrated . I walked in the room, purposely making a lot of noise , pushed the door harshly & wanted to say
"What's your problem, eh??" I wanted to act like total badass but i couldnt . I said "Um..did you call me??"
Like a total Cowardly rat
"Yeah , i did." he said I was blushing like hell because he was the only person there. I was confused , i was looking at the wall, the carpet, the curtains. i avoided to look at him but his blue eyes made me stare.
"So, are you free on 25th december?" he asked . So many thoughts came into my head. some were like "omg date!! is he gonna ask me on date??"
some were like "No way no way he's just asking thats all"
I stammered" u-uh.. T-t-wenty f-f-fifth d-d-ecem-mb-b-ber?? C-C-h-r-r-is-stmas?? "
"Yeah C-chr-ris-stmas" He made fun of me "Uhh yeah,but why?" i was curious
" I am having a party & all the invited are gonna come . and as you are in the art club I want you to come there one hour before & do the decorations with your club members if needed. am I clear?" he ordered
Can these people learn how to make a request!! uhh everybody's demanding me like I'm free every time & I am on duty all the time.
I wanted to refuse but i couyldnt because how is fair to accept some stupid band member's request & deny your crush's request.
"Okay but what will get out of it" i said greedily . I cant believe i said this AGAIN.
"What do you want?" he leaned toward me.
"U-uh.. well.." i was thinking what to ask and then he said " You want me to give you-"
he leaned more forward. i was so shy and i had my face red. "give you my Special book KHNKSSp4?? "
"What??" i exclaimed. that was so stupid. i really expected something else... totally disappointed!! But anyway it was wrong for me to think he would come closer & kiss or hug something. damn, i am probably watching a lot of anime lately..
But i noticed him covering his face and . Was i smelling bad or what?? I dont know..
"I guess i will invite you to the party for the help" he said looking away
"REALLY??" I screamed
"OKAY THEN..." I ACTED COOL & was about to leave when ...
"Hm.. Wait ..I- Need you phone number to keep in touch & know further details about the Party. "
It was very weird that a SCHOOL CAPTAIN is asking a less than normal girl like ME their phone no. but it was for a purpose so i did not make a big deal out of it
like "Huh why would i give" or blush and say" cant"
So i tried to be normal rather than a badass Tsundere type or a cute shy Dandere
I gave him my phone number nervously & turn back my head
i guess im mix of both the types ....
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