the story of human nature

the story of human nature

Hello every one today i will be telling you a real story about human nature that took place in the city of Toronto, Ontario. It Is a rainy day here where i

published on August 27, 2016not completed

human nature story

             The Truth Behind Human Nature
                   Hidden Part 1 Ministry

Hello every one today i will be telling you a real story about human nature that took place in the city of Toronto, Ontario. It Is a rainy day here where i live with a loud thundering night sky as i will be telling you a true story of human nature. Human nature is a unknown creator and inventor for nature. Human nature is Science, geography, language and technology that is related to art.HUman nature is a 25 year old virgin person who was born good with nature and lived around nature at a young age. They always wanted to be good with the people forever because of the way people treated them which is caring and kindness. Human nature came out in the year of 2005 followed after by Michael Jackson. Human nature is a virgin and never had a girlfriend even though he wanted one.Everytime he got turned down by girls he loses hope and every time he was angered by unknown strangers the nature became violent and playful. Human nature was then pushed too far by unknown strangers causing him to lose faith in himself. Human nature was bullied emotionally by the white people when they said “We only want 'black people' because that is the only color best for us and we will keep doing that for our next generations to come. No other color of people is needed in our lives. Human nature was snapped here after those words with their heart broken and emotionally hurt. Human nature realized that he wasn’t needed by the white people anymore since they had black people on their side. Now here we should know that human nature does have black friends and had no problems with them. And now we go back to the story .So With a broken heart human nature snaps and he says inside himself “No one wants me" and he realized that he was no longer needed by the white people leaving them vulnerable and in pain as their heart slowly began hurting inside since they have come to their final stage. Human nature asks with his own words "Am "i uglier than a black guy and then asks a second question why you not understand my pain and feelings. He answers his own word .Because you cannot hear my words or feel my "pain".they could not hear him. What could cause people standing right beside human nature to not hear his words?"You do not want me because my color has no place in you.And black is the best color for he asks himself  if that’s what they want then let them have it and as they died inside themselves sending them to a different world that is not theirs or ours. And as human nature slowly fades away someone else is waiting to take his place .He says i do not understand the people of this world anymore and how they get to make their own decision by doing what they want and then complain about others. Satan then sees the opportunity and traps human nature with the help of the white people. Here is the second part of the story human nature died inside themselves emotinally causing more pain to themselves and to the world this is the part where satan human nature comes in and took over the body of human nature from where he had left off. So now we know at this point that Satan has entered the body of human nature. But why? What is Satan going to do as i ask here. What is his purpose? And we will now go to showing you who Satan is as an angelic being who fell from his position in heaven due to sin and is now completely opposed to god, doing all in his power to thwart gods purposes. Satan was created as a holy angel,Isaih 14:12 possibly gives Satan’s pre-fall name as Lucifier.Ezekiel 28:12-14 describes Satan as having been created a cherub,apparentlr there highest created angel. He became arrogant in his beauty and status and decided he wanted to sit on a throne above that of god (Isaiah 14:13-14: Ezwkiel 28:15;1 Timothy 3:6).Notice the many ;Iwill"statements in Isaiah 14:12-15.Because of his sin ,God permanently removed Satan from his exalted position and role .Even though he was cast out of heaven ,he still seeks to elevate his throne above god. He counterfeits that all god does, hoping to gain the worship of the world and encourage opposition to gods kingdom. Satan is the ultimate source behind every false cult and religion. Satan will do anything and everything in his power to oppose god and those who follow god. However, Satans destiny is sealed-an eternity in the lake of fire.Reveleation Human nature was bullied emotionally and mentally eh!! .If the strangers did not cause all this everything would of been better and there would be no Satan human nature. We are all born good in the beginning but it is the society of people that changes others due to their raising of their kids.

             Human nature predictions
Can human nature predict that if they can move into each year without any natural dsisaster.yes human nature can predict if they can move in to each year without any natural disaster from where they live with their ability and instinct. And as they said we will go straight into year of 2017 and 2017 summer.

                                         To be continued part 2     
                                         The Truth behind nature             

                   The Truth behind nature             

                     Hidden Part two
And so Satan has entered the body of human nature. What are his plans and what will he do .find out now as i take you back to the story: satans message to the people "You killed human nature and with your help i will be inside the body of human nature and control him and guide his dead spirit to the entire world by doing what i want. Now hold on here this is where Satan gets his access to mankind. So Satan unleashes the dead spirit of human nature aggressively on the people without care. And i will call him Anderson and with your help i will have more power and control of the entire universe. Now hold it here with Satan inside human nature they are more powerful to be beaten. And that’s how the Satan took over the body of human nature where human nature had left off. satans message to the people you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air...the spirit that now works in the children of do you see this people "Satan has the power to use human natures body to use the air to broadcast through his spirit an attitude of disobidience.his spirit sends moods, feelings and attitude of hostility in to people’s minds. These work to bring disobidence.This "air'power  gives the devil tremendous influence allowing him to send thoughts of deciet,anger,pride,hatred,vanity,jelousy,lust,greed,envy and confusion directly in to people.revealaton 12:9 states that Satan deceives the whole world. The devil is immensely more powerful than most realize. The bible identifies that he is this world’s god .And as this world god Satan blinds human nature and deceives on a staggering scale and the world is full of disobedience or lawlessness. on other hand ''Now with human nature trapped by Satan and the white people . With Satan inside the body of human nature he commands nature to turn against the people .Nature became confused whether it is human nature or not. Nature had no other choice as it unleashed its energy. Satan did not come from god but rather brought up forward by the white people .Satan knows that if human nature doesn’t have any one to rely on he can control him to  do whatever he wants . Human nature died inside themselves emotionally causing them pain and to the world .if the strangers did not cause human nature pain then there would be no Satan in human nature. Not only the white people took away his dreams they also messed around with him since he was trying to give the people of what they wanted which was the black people that was given by god. Satan Human nature’s anger became violent and violent as Satan Human nature cannot be identified as it is protected by nature and the environment of the people. When we talk about Satan and human nature it reminds me of dragon ballz characters as they battle it out.

                                         To be continued part 3
                                          The Truth behind nature             
                     The Truth behind nature              
                        Hidden part 3

People kindness is important and who can bring back human nature. ‘The people of emotions. This spirit helps the people to obey the Ten Commandments. These people are inspired and guided by this world’s god. Satan broadcasts the spirit of rebellion and disobedience to god’s law. For example if you listen to the radio you usually pick a station of radio or television you like to hear .people have control of what they want to hear or not .it is not the same with satan station people cannot decide to tune in to devils therefore every people on earth is automatically tuned in to his wickedness,hostily,rebellion,deceit and selfishness are continually on the air. Though you cannot see it any more than you can see radial waves or television signal, they are around you as literally charged and crackled with the energy of Satans broadcast.
        so did HUMAN NATURE DIE ON DECEMBER 21 2015. THE ANSWEER IS NO BUT HE COULD HAVE IF HE NEVER OPENED UP HIS both was a snowy night in Canada. It was darker than normal and the time is 11:54 pm in the bedroom of human nature as he was preparing to go to sleep and ready to sleep with his closed eyes. Suddenly he had to use the washroom so he opened up his eye and realized that a big spider was 2 inch from his top fore arm.But why did he woke up on time before the spider bit him. If they can die from the spider bite then Satan will take away human nature with him. We never know or we will never find out. That’s how human nature was kept alive. People caused a major problem in human natures life because he did not get what he asked for which is a girlfriend and he was pushed too far to death by strangers and they took away his dreams which is called broken dreams which is shattered in pain leaving him vulnerable. Human nature says "within every man and women there is an animal inside them that should not be awokened"Human nature is a worldwide sensitivity and activity that can be felt anywhere .what caused the human nature to fell in to Satan place. The people if that person was not pushed too far by the white people beyond their human limit then they would not have snapped. Bullying by strangers has an impact on human natures life. When he loses his heart then pain and feelings will eventually come out of them and they will care for no one. This is where Satan comes in and plays by using everything human nature has and achieves where that human being left off causing human nature to be blind and to deceive people by not caring for anyone but himself. Human nature wanted to connect the black people with the white people together by ignoring them but many did not understand this reason. Although Satan was living inside the body of human nature he has the power to bring back human nature to do what he wants because without him he cannot get his satisfaction and temptation of the world.
                                       To be continued part 4
                                              The Truth behind nature                                              

             The Truth behind human nature             
                        Part 4 Hidden            
            Will human nature be cured?

When Christ returns Satan as earths deposed ruler will be removed inside human nature. We know Satan has to be removed from human natures position in order to free the human nature .soon Satan will be bound out of power and rendered unable to deceive earth inhabitants. The temptations of this world and human nature caused by Satan will disappear .Although there will be some side effects of aftermath that we will all overcome causing the human nature to comeback. Satan has the ability to bring back human nature because he knows he cannot do anything without him. And that’s why people can break that with their good emotions by crushing Satan inside human nature. But until then human nature battles against diagnosed reason.

        Human nature Diagnosed

Human nature was diagnosed with schizepernia and as they were diagnosed they lost their senses. They were disoriented and they had personality dis -order. Unable to look at the situation of the world and the people human nature slowly recovers as time and days goes by. Human nature goes to the same church again in the year 2016 after being diagnosed for 2 years after a slow recovery. He meets the same pastor again takes baptism for the second time. And as he gets his blessings the pastor says let the holy spirit go inside him and guide us to anew year.


        Balance of Nature

Balance of nature is important in human nature and maintaining it is very important. But it is not possible to maintain the world they say and i ask why because man has stopped maintaining the world for almost 10 years and travelled to the future after human nature was repeatedly messed around with the people. Even though they try to maintain it the entire system can collapse. It means that man is too far from the moon and if he wants to fly from the ground he can never reach it because it is too late.

                                    To be continued part 5
                                    The truth behind human nature
            The Truth behind human nature             
              Part 5

              will human nature return
I believe in my own words no .But why? People and i am asking because we do not believe in human nature because we got rid of him some say. There is no such thing as human nature but only human behavior as one says. Satan message about human nature."ah" human nature there is no such thing as human nature i believe because i am the only nature around and all that exists is human behaviour.Thats why we worship because of us human nature is long gone. Can you imagine if we only studied human behavior then we would not know the entire study behind human nature? If 10 or more people messes up with human nature it only not affects the community but it affects the entire universe. Black lives matter in the city of Toronto.

             Removing Satan Nature
                   Part 6

Satan has been ruling over human nature for 5 years with in those five years he was successful in achieving what he wanted and took revenge as most people are talking about. After years of Satan’s place in human nature, God guides and shows him sign to the astrology. And the astrologer said it will cost you $1500 to remove Satan and if you don’t Satan will live inside you forever. And with his fear he thinks about his future and then he pays the astrologer the money in order to remove Satan .Then he goes to a Christian church and a Hindu temple with his mom. Although human nature comes from a Hindu family he goes to Hindu temple and then Christian church. Now in temple they pray god murugan, pilliyar and saraswathi swami. Hold on here i have never went to a Hindu temple before .maybe i will go there one day. At the church human nature finds new friends and takes bible class. That is where he meets the church pastor for the very first time. Why we may ask? Because human nature is a Hindu and comes from a Hindu family. Here we should know that even though his mom allow him to go to church but his father doesnt.Human nature goes to the pastor for blessings with Satan inside him but pastor feels the sense of Satan inside him he put a liquid on him to bless. Pastor tries to remove Satan by putting holy water in him and says make sure you come to church every Sunday to get your blessings. And he says i will put Jesus in you but you must be good and a good guidance to the people. Pastor then says amen 3 times.

Human nature takes baptism

Human nature gets baptism not only once but twice in a different year.

1. Human nature is A) married
                c) virgin

2. people are inspired and guided by this worlds

A) president
C) god
D) animal

3.Balance of ¬¬__________ is important in human nature.

A) dieting

4.Human nature was
b)bullied emotionally
c)or both

5.satan was living_______ the body of human natue.

e)don’t know

6.Balance of nature is important in human nature and maintaining it is very important.

7. What are the ten commandments of human nature?

8.Human nature is a unknown creator and inventor for nature.
c)true and false

9.Satan ________ human nature.

10.Human nature was born _______ with nature.

11.Human nature has a broken ________.

12.Human nature is protected by
A)the animals
d)nature and enviroment of people.

13.This____________ power gives the devil tremendous influence allowing him to send thoughts.


14.Human nature can predict A)if they can be president one day
                          b)if they can run 5 km without running
                          c)if they can live longer than other people
                         d)if they can move forward without any natural disaster.

15. Human nature comes from a  A)muslim family
                              B)christian family
                              c)hindu family
                              d)all of the above

16. Satan says there is no such thing as A)human nature
                                         B)mother nature
                                         c)satan natature
                                         D)all of the above

17.when _________ returns satan as earths deposed ruler will be removed inside human nature.

18.Human nature was diagnosed with schizepernia and as they were diagnosed they lost their senses.

19.The devil is __________ more powerful than most realize.

c)i dont know

20. what was human nature diagnosed with.

21.the _______ that now works in the children of disobedience.
c)hide and seek
d)pokemon go

22.People ________ is important.
c)kindness did HUMAN NATURE DIE ON DECEMBER 21 2015.
A)Yes    B)no

24.Human nature is a worldwide sensitivity and activity that can be felt anywhere.   A) True    B)false   c)both  

25.Satan will do anything and everything in his power to oppose god and those who follow god. A)false    b)true

26.Pastor then says amen _______ times.

   A)two times
   B)four times
   C)three times

27.human nature was disoriented and they had personality dis order. a)true    b)false

28. what was Satan message to the people.
: satans message to the people "You killed human nature" .

29.Human nature realized that he wasn’t needed by the white people anymore since they had black people on their side.
a)false     b)True

30.human nature snaps. A)yes b)no C)i dont know

31. pastor sais i will put ______in you.
   A)satan     B)spirit   c)jesus

32.Balance _____ nature.
A) under   B)above C)of

33.Did human nature take baptism.
A)yes b)no c)i dont know d)we will never know
e)i will ask them.

34.Bullying by strangers has an impact on human natures _______.
  A)life   B)wife c)time

35.who says this ."ah" human nature there is no such thing as human nature i believe because i am the only nature around and all that exists is human behaviour.                            A)human nature
                                      b)mother nature
                                      c)satan nature

36. soon Satan will be bound out of his _________.
   A)tower b)cover c)power   .

37. Satan human nature went to the A)astrologer    b)church
    c)temple d)all of the above  e) i dont know

38.pastor says " i will put ________ in you but you must be good and a good guidance to the people.
A)Satan B)Mahatma Gandhi c)jésus

39. Human nature says i do not understand the people of this ________ anymore.


40.Human nature takes baptism in the year 2016.
A)True   B)False  c)idont know

41.Satan has been ruling over human nature for __ years

42)Human nature was diagnosed for
a)1 year B)4 years  c)2 years

43.The astrolleger says it will cost you this much money for satan to be removed.
a)2000   b)500 c)1500

44)which lives matter in the city of toronto.
a)white    b)brown    c)black

45)which lives do not matter in the city of Toronto?

46) human nature comes from a A) hindu family
                              b)muslim family
                              c)christian family

47) human nature takes baptism a)once
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