How It Went

A story about a kid in a zombie apocalypse. With a lot of zambies. So read this shit.

published on February 27, 20150 reads 0 readers 0 not completed

A Rude Awakening (Prolouge)

        I woke up on a cold floor, a pain in my head, and a hunting knife at my feet. I sat up, trying to make out where I was. The light was dim, but I knew i was in a gas station. Not one of those big ones like Quick Trip, but one of those small ones by the steets. I got on my feet, looked behind me, and saw a backpack. I picked it up, it wasn't very heavy, which only could mean one thing. "Empty," I said, as i slung it on my back. I looked around, no people. "Hello," I said, no response, except for a faint groaning. "That's not a human," I said, as I grabbed the knife.
        I crouched and slowly approached the groaning sound, being sure to stay very quiet. Every time the groaning stopped, i stopped. It was like a game of red light green light, but the one it had no idea know he was playing. I got closer and closer, and then I saw it. It was a dead human, but alive somehow. "B-But," I stuttered,"But how?" As I got closer, I saw that the thing had lost an arm.
        "Who are- who were you?"
        No answer.
        "What happened?"
        A low growl.
        "I give up with you."
        I looked at the thing, I realized that it was someone I knew. I looked into his eyes, then i remembered.
        We used to play together, all the time. His name was Kyle. And we would always sleep over at each others houses. With them being so close and all.
        "I'm sorry." I said. "I'm going to have to f-finish you off now." was all i could work out. "Goodbye." I said as the knife in my hand plunged into his head. I looked at him, the knife had left blood everywhere. i couldn't bear to look at it, I puked, then passed out.
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