This is a story about a little boy named shawn who find a dragon egg close to the beach. Shawn took the responsibility to raise Spyro both became best friends since that day those two never stop loving each other like good friends they are. One day Spyro decided to go back to his real world, but Shawn doesn't want Spyro to leave because Spyro became important part of his family.
Shawn was walking and kicking the sand he was pretty bored because he doesn't know what to do, then he saw something glowing that coming from the sea he get into the water and take it outside. He couldn't believe that he find an egg, he exclaimed "this egg is big and I don't believe it come from a chicken" he ran to his house hiding the egg from his parents. He entered to his room and saw the egg with mysteries eyes, then his mother call him "Shawn dinner is ready" he responded "I'm not hungry mom" his mother replied "are you sure Shawn?" Shawn says "yes mom I'm sure". He keep looking the egg asking himself what kind of egg he found, then someone knock the door of his room Shawn hide the egg under his bed, Shawn's father says "hey champion how you been?" Shawn replied "I'm good dad what about you?" His father exclaimed "the job was pretty hard, but good hey you have to go sleep you have school tomorrow good night son" Shawn responded "yes dad good night". Shawn hugged his father and later he go to sleep, but he doesn't want to sleep because he has to see his horrible teacher tomorrow.
Such a beautiful and heartfelt story about the bond between Shawn and Spyro. It truly shows how deep friendship can go, no matter the worlds we come from. Loved the emotions and the adventure! 😊 Check out more amazing apps on my site<a href=""
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