A peaceful night for an insomniac

I couldn't believe what I did today. I hugged Phil and he hugged me back. It was amazing. No Dan you're straight it was just a friendly hug. Who am I kidding I have a huge crush on Phil! He's so beautiful and he spoke to me after not talking to anyone for three years he chose me, but don't tell him dan just act like a friend. Then it was time for bed. I didn't really like bed time as I never slept, I couldn't. A nurse came in to tell everyone to go to bed so we all did. Or so she thought. I would just always pretend to be asleep then when she left, just sit there. After about a hour of sitting Phil started to freak out in his sleep (must be a nightmare) so I went over to his bed and woke him up. He woke up startled but he was relieved when he saw me. "what's wrong Phil?"
" just a nightmare "
"do you want to talk about it?"
"sure it was the night I was driving and my dad was there saying he was waiting for me to crash and kill him and that it was all my fault."
" It was just a dream phil do you want me to stay in your bed tonight?"
"sure that would be great..."
The next thing I knew, a nurse came in to check up on all the patients (i think they just want to wake us up super early for fun though!) then found me and Phil in the same bed, screamed and got the head nurse. I guess I had fallen asleep. Then she came in, "boys we don't do things like that here!"
"but me and phil didn't do anything he had a nightmare so I came in his bed to comfort him."
"sure that's what happened." Then she told one of the other nurses to have us separated. I was so mad i couldn't even think properly so I did what I 'thought' was right I punched a hole in the wall and when one of the male nurses came to help me with my hand, I punched him to then I ran out away from everything to the breakfast hall and stayed there hating everyone. I started to punch the wall again but the walls were much thicker , so none of them made a hole. I just wanted to run away from this nut house but I can't, now that phils here.
Phils POV
Wait what just happened? Dan just punched a hole in the wall punched a nurse and ran off. I guess he doesn't like me like I like him if he was so upset about even the idea of us being together. Yes I'm gay but no one knows that so don't tell anyone. That's the whole reason I haven't talked in so long when I was driving with my dad I was driving us to the park so that I could tell him I'm gay but we got in a crash and he didn't make it so he never found out, that's why I haven't talked in so long I think if I tell anyone anything something bad will happen to them, now I talked to Dan and look what he's doing he's punching people in the face. What are they going to do to him? I hope he's alright not like going around on a rampage killing people or something. I really thought he liked me but apparently not so I'll just move on. I can't believe I wasted my first words in years on him. I wish it would've been with someone I know I will always have to talk to. So since Dan ran out I did what I thought was right I ran to go find him while everyone helped the male nurse Dan punched in the face. It turns out he was in the breakfast hall.
"so you're that disgusted by me that you punched everything you could find huh?"
"no phil that's not it it's just everyone at my old school called me gay and I thought it wouldn't follow me here but I guess it did."
" ohh sorry about that and thanks for coming in my bed it really helped with the nightmares"
" no problem actually i slept better than I have in months when I slept in your bed so I should be thanking you."
"well no problem then." we both laughed I never heard his laugh it was amazing.
" wait Phil you just had a full conversation with me."
" yes and"
"you haven't spoken in three years and you just had a full conversation with me, why?"
Dans POV
"You haven't spoken in three years and you just had a full conversation with me, why?", I asked inquisitively. Please say you love me, please say you love me... Wait, no! Dan, your straight! Remember what happened the last time you THOUGHT you were bisexual, or even gay? Exactly!
"Dan, DAN, DAN!" I must have been daydreaming and Phil was screaming at me (but it was quieter than a normal scream!) and slapping my face.
"W-w-what? Oh, you didn't answer my question Phil!"
"I did! But I guess you didn't hear. Please don't hurt me if I tell you this ok?!"
"I promise Phil, you're my best friend, I would never ever hurt you!"
"I'm gay... And I'm in love with you... Please don't hurt me!"
Before I knew it, my lips crashed onto his. They were like two pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly... It was true... I Daniel Howell am in love with Philip Lester!
"I love you!", I whispered into his ear softly. "But", I said, "I've always had this theory that whomever you hand fits perfectly to is your true soul mate..."
"Well, lets test it out then!", Phil said as he gently grabbed hold of my hand... A perfect fit...
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