the whole story

And Mitch is slapping Scott telling him to stop it but he secretly loves it
and then laughing cause of Scott's reaction
Then Scott gets on top of Mitch
but slowly moves in for a kiss
Then they Make out in front of Wyatt they're cat who they love and hate
and then Kirtsie walks in and starts filming them
Then Kevin comes in with a bible
and starts praying cause they all need jesus but he secretly knows that everyone needs Jesus but also realizes that Avi is jesus
Then Avi comes down from heaven flying on a dragon
and yells "ya'll need jesus"
Then realizes he is Jesus
HAHAHA And scomiche seperates and giggles
Then Kirstie yells at them saying "KEEP KISSING WTF"
then scott kisses Mitchies forehead
Then Scott does it to Mitch while Kirstie records it for the millionth time
mitch snatches Kirsties phone cause mitch got tired of it
but then accidentally posts it on Twitter
Scott and Mitch were blushing red as a tomato
Everyone retweeted it, favorted and had a huge freack out session
including Jesus (avi) and Kevin
And the whole world sees it
and scomiche shippers were on a freak out session cause they're ship is real
Then everyone dies
the end
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*makes a shrine*
*has to leave cult of Painc! to join cult of scomiche*