Two days ago in Havendish Square, there was something quite shiny, not the water. At first I thought it could have been a fire fly. It wasn’t a fire fly. It was something mysterious. It was an egg, a bird egg I thought. I carried it in one of my egg holding things, and i asked all the kind bird mothers. They all said no, so I thought, could it be? A hawk egg? It looked mighty different than any other bird egg I’ve seen. Should I go up there? I was afraid but I wasn’t going to let my fear take over. I flew to the highest tree in all of Pixie Hollow. I saw the hawk, it was chasing me in the sky. Not a word I said. I flew to her nest and put the egg where it belonged. The hawk looked at me curiously and thanked me. And thats how the hawk never chased us again. The hawk stopped. I am a hero!
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