Episode 1: Pokemon School (Chapter 1)

Leafeon lazily let out a tired yawn and turned the alarm off. It was time for Pokemon school. See, his trainer wanted Leafeon to grow strong like his other friend's Eeveelutions which were Leafeon's friends as well. Because of this he signed him up for training at a pokemon high school (One does exist in this story). Leafeon's friends went there as well, including his crush, Glacion.
Leafeon lazily got up and began to dress in his regular pokemon clothing when his trainer knocked on the door.
"Leafeon, you up? Get dressed, it's time for breakfast," his trainer, Eegus, comanded. Leafeon sighed, getting on his cloths and replied with an "Ok". Once done dressing he made his way to the table where Eegus had fixed him some herbs and regular pokemon food. Eegus was like Leafeon's dad to him, always caring and wanting him to grow nice and strong. Which Leafeon always did, growing stronger each day with his friends.
So Leafeon ate his breakfast and brushed his teeth, getting ready to go to his pokemon school to train hard and battle with the other pokemon. He walked outside with his backpack full of herbs, medicines, and everything else he would need for his time at school. But this day was special for Leafeon. Today his class would go to the beach for battle and training and he was sure he'd level up and get to battle with some of his eeveelution friends. He made it to the bus and took a seat next to his friend, Duskull.
Leafeon's POV:
Today's going to be a wonderful day! I can't wait to level up to level 71! Yes, I'm sure battling with one of the eeveelutions, like Volteon or Umbreon, will sure to get me some leveling up. Anyways, I'm on the bus with my friend, Duskull who of course is eyeing his little friend Ralts. See, Duskull has had a crush on her for a long time now and he's always been trying to help her with everything. Even evolving though he doesn't know what she evolves into.
"Hey, Duskull. What kind of whicked plan do you have now?" I asked him, immediately breaking his train of ,most likely, dirty thoughts.
"Wha- Oh. Well I'm hoping to help Ralts out with evolving during our beach trip and YOU to ask you-know-who out," he says, whispering the last part as we look into the direction of Glaceon and Vaporeon. I glare at him, knowing she'd say no if I ever asked her out.
"What good would being rejected do?" I whisper to him as the bus full of many pokemon stops at our school. Duskull just sighs and turns back around to wave at his shy little friend, Ralts, who shyly half-smiles and waves lightly back. As pokemon get off the bus we stop at the door of the bus for Ralts and her to friends, the Nidoran twins. Yah, they both like to fight sort of and are different genders. Nidoran boy is the little sissy and his sister is the little sassy. They like to hang out with Ralts for some unkown reason.
Suddenly, here comes Ralts nice and gracefull down to Duskull who takes her hand and helps her down. Then comes the two troublesome Nidoran twins whom are fighting their way down. Sassy yelling at Sissy for pulling her hair and Sissy being tripped and falling out of the bus door into the sidewalk.
"OW!" He yells as his face meets with the sidewalk. I watch, soon relizing Duskull, Ralts, and the Eeveelutions already left to our classroom. I sigh, soon seeing a pokemon battle strategies book on the sidewalk. Curiously, I pick it up and flip to where it says our names to see it says... Glaceon. Good thing she's in my class.
So I begin walking to the door of our school with a bunch of other Pokemon to try and find Glaceon. I wonder if she's in the hall still. Suddenly I find myself falling backwards as somone pins me down.
"Ow! Who the-" I start, noticing the weight on me as two beautiful blue eyes meet me. I relize it was Glaceon who accidently ran into me, pinning me down to the ground. Our faces, inches apart staring into each others eyes immediately seperate as she helps me up.
"Oh! I'm soo so so sorry, Leafeon. I just forgot my Pokemon Strategies Book an-" She begins as I cut her off and pull out the book.
"Is this it?"
She looks curiously and takes it, flipping to the page where we put our names to see it said hers.
"Oh. Yah, thanks. Well... want to walk with me to the room?" She asks. I nod happily as we both walk to our classroom and get there right before the bell rings. Our class is kind of small but I suppose I should list everyone here.
The Nidoran twins, Sissy and Sassy, Me, Flareon, Vaporeon, Glaceon, Umbreon, Espeon, Jolteon, Eevee, Duskull, Teddiursa, Cubchoo, Zubat, Klink, Charmander, Vulpix, Rattata, and Growlithe.
The Nidoran twins always sit beside each other in the back, the eeveelutions (Including me) and Evee are always in the opposite corning next to the teacher's desk, Ralts always sits beside Sassy, Duskull always sits by Ralts, Zubat and Klink always sit with Charmander, Charmander sits by his girlfriend, Vulpix, Rattata sits by Growlithe, and Teddiursa and Cubchoo always sit by each other in the center. We got to choose our seats at the beggining of school. So me and Glaceon took our seats so class could start.
Sorry it's short. They may all be shrimpy. And I also apologize how rushed it seems. :/
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Sorry if I was being harsh, by the way-and you don't have to be sorry. I understand. :">