"Nostalgia Critic and Rachel Tietz"

Stephanie: Personally, I'm not familiar with this guest. So here is The Nostalgia Critic.
The Nostalgia Critic comes out and sits on the couch.
NC: Hello, Im the Nostalgia Critic, I remember it so you don't have to.
Me: Welcome to the show.
NC: Thank you for having me. Unlike that ass of a show Fullhouse, This show is decent and read/watchable.
Steph: Ok, so Ive never watched your videos... What do you do?
NC: I review nostalgic movies and tv shows from the past.
Me: How do you feel about Stewart Little 3?
NC: That movie is an abomination of all mankind. The fact that that movie even exists makes me want to go outside and choke a child.
Steph: Um... ok? (looks at me)
Me: Recently you have had a girl in your videos who is the Devils daughter. What is her real name?
NC: You think she's hot dont you. Actually, I brought her along with me.
The girl comes out and sits by The Nostalgia Critic.
Me: Hello and Welcome to the show.
Rachel: Thank you for having me.
Me: What is it like working with The Nostalgia Critic?
Rachel: It is very fun.
Steph: Do you enjoy the job?
Rachel: Yes Very much. It is a funny and very cool job. Especially with the random clips and other funny things we do.
Me: How do you feel about the Nostalgia Chick?
Rachel: I don't like her. She tried to stop the Nostalgia Critic from coming back.
Ok, Well thats all the questions I have. Do you have anything, Stephanie?
Steph: No, not that I can think of.
Me: Well thank you for your time.
The Nostalgia Critic and Rachel Tietz walkout.
Me: Well that is it fo this episode.
Steph: See ya next time.
Show goes off the air.
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