Birthday at Freddy's ????

"Not yet Aidan, please stop kicking my seat, Ava."
When did I decide to take care of these two for the weekend?! Yes, there my kids. Yes, I love them. But, they never shut up. If I could get 5 minutes of peace and quiet.. Ugh. Forget. It.
"Are we there yet, Daddy?" Aidan asks.
I turn my head and see the gigantic sign of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. I sighed.
"Yes, Aidan. We're here. Stay buckled until I park."
After I finished parking, my kids and I walked into Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria.
"Aidan! Ava! Get back here! NOW!"
Ava and Aidan rush back over to me. I lecture them about running away from me. They both slumped their shoulders, sighing. I guided them to our table. We sat down eating are pizza. A loudspeaker announced that Freddy and his friends would be coming on stage. Ava and Aidan's eyes widened. They looked so cute. A bear, a rabbit and chicken (or duck) appeared on the stage. I thought the fox freaked me out, because he was out of order. But... it was the bear that scared me. He didn't do much, he just... stared. The rabbit and the chicken (or duck) said their lines. Freddy said his, but he didn't move or anything. he just stared.
"Kids," I said. "Kids... go play."
Ava and Aidan's eyes gleamed. They rushed and played with other children. I smiled.
"Oh god! I forgot them! Ava! Aidan! Where are you?!"
Here I am. Screaming my children's names. I must look like a terrible parent. I am. I let my kids on my own. Now there lost. What's Tara going to think. Oh god. I see a day shift guard, about to leave. I grab his shoulders.
"Sir." I say. "Have you seen two kids. One a boy, one a girl. Both blondes?"
The guard shakes his head. I realize that I'm the only one here. I realize... that bear is staring at me.
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