As the journey started

So as they walk through the forest she explains to snowy why they left.
Rose: “...I just have this feeling that that’s the reason I kept having those strange dreams. So that’s why we’re here.” She suddenly sees a beautiful red rose on the ground and grabbed it.
After walking for the rest of the day they came to the border between the humans and wolfs territory. It was already pretty dark so Rose found a high tree to sleep in, so she climbed up with the bag and told Snowy to keep watch. (She knows what she’s doing cauze her father taught her that before leaving for the army.) At the top she bonded the rope to the tree so they won’t fall of in the middle of the night.
When she was done she slided down the tree to check on Snowy.
Rose: “Is everything down here under control, soldier?”
Snowy: “*bark= Everything is clear, captain*”
Rose giggles a bit and then takes Snowy up to the tree to go to sleep cauze they were super tired of all that walking...
??? POV
As it’s my turn to guard the borders tonight I hear dog-snoring from up in the tree. I tell my comrades to come with me to check it out so we all go to tree to find out. When we’re there I see more than only a dog so I silently went up the tree (and the reason that Snowy couldn’t directly sense “it” is because I wasn’t kidding when I said they were super tired)
When I come up I also see a human-girl sleeping there. I wonder what she’s doing here in a tree. As long as they don’t go past the borders there safe cauze who knows what creatures want them as a snack.
But as I look closer to the girl, I see... that she’s sweating like crazy, It looks like she’s having a nightmare or so- I accidentally brake a stick and then Snowy wakes up and barks at what ‘was’ standing there.(hey I didn’t say he was def) Then Snowy just looks confused around as I was hiding in the bushes thankful to my speed and then I left to go back to my comrades that already left. Then the girl wakes up and talks to the dog like he’s a person.
Rose: “what’s the matter snow, did something happen?”
Snowy: “Barks= I thought I saw something...”
Then she pets him and kindly yet very tired said:
“It was probably the wind *yawns* we better get some more sleep if we want to have enough energy to continue tomorrow...*goes back to sleep*” Snowy carefully looks around one last time and then joins her.
The next morning: Rose’s POV:
I wake up to see that even the sun didn’t even wake properly yet.
So I wake Snowy up, Untied the rope, putted it back in my backpack and began the day with a nice breakfast.
Apparently we forgot to eat last night so we enjoyed our meal to the fullest. I looked up to see that it’s gonna be a clear sky today.
After we were done we stood there across the border as Snowy started to growl.
Rose: “this is the only way isn’t it... owel, come on Snowy...”
As we entered their territory...
Not long after noon we both hear sobbing coming from some bushes as we carefully go there we see a little girl with pointy ears and a tail.
Apparently she was stuck in vines that pulled her further in the bushes.
I quickly grabbed the sword and cut all the vines and grabbed the girl and told her to hold my back as strongly as she could. Then I see that Snowy was being attacked by the vines and also chopped them in half. We quickly ran away as the little girl was on my back piggy-back style.
When we were at a safe distends I gently let her sit on the ground. As I look at her she was still scared but thankful.
Rose: “*calmly* are you oke?...”
She nodded as I saw her left leg was mostly covered in blood and scratches.
Rose: “here, let me help you with that”
While snowy was comforting her I grabbed some water and ripped a long piece of cloth of my old t-shirt from my backpack. I gently threw a bit of water on her wound and covered it with the cloth.
Rose: “there, much better.” As I smile
Rose: “and what would your name be?...”
“ names...Alison...”:Alison
Rose: “oke, I’ll just call you Ali. My name is Rose and this here is Snowy”
She giggled a bit.
Ali: “... but what is a human doing here?-“
Suddenly Snowy began growling as a mystery male-voice said:
“yeah, I was asking myself the same question...”
Out of instinct I grabbed my sword
Rose: “and who may this be?...”
???: “That’s for me to know and you to find-“
Ali: “his name is Rolf” she said gladly
Rose: “well, that was found out quickly”
As Rolf looks pissed he then ordered:
“oke, back to business. Why are you here?!”
Rose: “I could ask you the same question”
Rolf: “To save my little sister from you!”
I lower my sword as I say:
“ow, that. If you came here like 10 minutes ago you could have saved her from some vines that grabbed her leg...”
Then I walk back to Ali
Rose: “does it still hurt badly?”
Ali: “Not too badly, but I still can’t walk though...”
I then turn around and offered her a piggy-back ride, so we were about to go as...
Rolf: “what do you think you’re doing?”
Rose: “you came to save her didn’t you? Well then let’s go find some medical care for her then”
So now we’re walking with a dog, a boy and girl with pointy ears and tails and with a human toward their home...I think...
Elina: “oke that’s enough of this chapter, hope you enjoyed it and is it still hard to think I got the idea from Inuyasha and Red ridding hood?...
but owel, Till next time ^-^”
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