i was playing agar.io (it's an epic website you should play it) and i was so freakin' big and i thought nothing could stop me.... then mexico came and ate me. i...was.... like... AHKDHEIUFHEW UKHWKJDHWKJDNWIN U MEXICO! not the actual country(for the mexicans i mean no harm) the player.
on November 30, 2015

Today in art we made collauges out of magazine pics. me and @breann.west.5 were looking through this decoration magazine made by John Fulk me and Breann re named him John Fuuck because his name was on every single page. . , . i through the magazine and swore not to touch it again.
on November 18, 2015

yet another random fact for today:
my mom went to a concert and was too short when she tried to high-five the guy she went there for. it was sad bc she went home and was so mad and took it out on me. so whenever mom goes to concert u probably don't want to be near her for a few days
my mom went to a concert and was too short when she tried to high-five the guy she went there for. it was sad bc she went home and was so mad and took it out on me. so whenever mom goes to concert u probably don't want to be near her for a few days
on November 17, 2015

random fact for today:
in my math class apparently the words
-and spiders
are inappropiate words.
in my math class apparently the words
-and spiders
are inappropiate words.
on November 13, 2015

the random fact of today:
Breann: vote for donald buttrumpet!
Me: ?
Breann: vote for donald buttrumpet!
Me: ?
on November 05, 2015

on September 20, 2015

i like the one with apple jacks he looks like a young kitten. is that u in the background?
on September 15, 2015

on September 11, 2015