Emily Smith
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Comments (12)

@shezeg Reason I watch it still:I can relate to the doctor!My friend went one year as doctor who.I went as Shadow.But it was funny to have people watch us trick or treat.You see a doctor and a black hedgehog walking down the street.What do you do?Stare!
on February 08, 2018

@shezeg I think David Tennant did the best as the docter.I thought he was funny!I like them all though!:p
on February 08, 2018

@shezeg I remember when I first watched it.I was home alone,and couldn't find anything to watch on TV.Then I saw a marathon of Docter Who,and thought,why not?I watched for about four hours.I love it!

I watched it coz I got obsessed with BBC Sherlock and needed another series to watch after finishing sherlock so my Whovian friends recommended Doctor Who. Doctor who is now part of my long list of fandoms, it's brilliant! Who's your favourite Doctor?
on February 08, 2018
on February 08, 2018

on February 08, 2018


My friend sapphirethehedgehog keeps saying "I don't want to go". It triggers me every time.
on November 23, 2017
on November 23, 2017

on November 22, 2017