When you are wearing your Deathly Hallows necklace and most people just stare at it puzzled. But then, you see that one person that gives you the, "We both know what's going on here," smirk and your just like, what would I do without Harry Potter!:-B
on April 06, 2016

shezeg uploaded a photo
When you type always into google meaning the Harry Potter quote and this comes up...

on April 05, 2016

on April 05, 2016

Hey Sapphire, you at your dads this week?:p

oh btw we're even now. I've done a story on here too lol, except mine is cheesey and crap lolz
on April 05, 2016
on April 05, 2016

shezeg asked a question
Who would you kiss, kill, marry and f***? Examples; Shrek, Donkey, Hulk and E.T Or Vold...
on April 05, 2016

Hello Sassy Peeps
on March 09, 2016