How Well Do You Know Haskell? Test your knowledge of the Haskell programming language with this quiz! michelle published on September 16, 2023 Stacked 1/11 What is Haskell primarily used for? Web development Mobile app development Functional programming Game development 2/11 Which of the following is not a key feature of Haskell? Strong static typing Object-oriented programming Type inference Lazy evaluation 3/11 Haskell is named after whom? Alan Turing Haskell Curry John McCarthy Bjarne Stroustrup 4/11 Which of the following is not a core principle of functional programming in Haskell? Pure functions Immutable data Shared memory Higher-order functions 5/11 What does GHC stand for in GHC Haskell Compiler? Glasgow Haskell Compiler Generic Haskell Compiler Haskell GNU Compiler Haskell Core Compiler 6/11 Which of the following is not a Haskell keyword? let where case this 7/11 In Haskell, which operator is used for function composition? @@ $ . | 8/11 What is the type signature of the 'concat' function in Haskell? [a] -> a [[a]} -> [a] a -> [a] 9/11 Which of the following is a valid Haskell list comprehension? [x | x <- [1..10], even x] [x | x in [1..10], even x] [x : [1..10] | even x] [x | x <- [1..10], x % 2 == 0] 10/11 What is the main advantage of lazy evaluation in Haskell? Faster execution Reduced memory usage Simpler syntax Better error handling 11/11 Which of the following is not a standard Haskell library? Data.List Control.Monad System.IO Math.Calculus