how well do you know Walt Disney? find out how much knowlange you know Walt Disney put it to the test this test is hard texasrangerfan13 published on April 23, 2016 Stacked 1/10 what was his wife name Lillian Amy Bri Minnie 2/10 how many kid did he had 8 19 1 12 2 5 3/10 what was walt his brother name bob disney rob disney roy disney donald trump 4/10 what year was he born 1902 1966 1865 1900 1901 5/10 what was his first full movie Crazy plane snow white bambi beauty and the beast zootopia 6/10 what was Walt Disney first companty laugh-o-Grams funnies times The Walt Disney Comptay 7/10 what year did his first film crazy plane came out 1927 1930 1932 1928 8/10 Which park was walt was alive for disneyland disney world both 9/10 How did he died old age lung cancer car wreck 10/10 what year did he died 1966 1970 1999 2000