Enlightenment what were some of the philosophers beliefs, opinions, thoughts, and philosophies. carrasco07 published on July 12, 2016 Stacked 1/6 Philosopher best know for his social contract theory and describe the state of nature as "nasty, brutish, and short"? Locke Hobbes Voltaire Descartes 2/6 A philosopher who Framed modern political theory with his concept of inalienable personal rights. For example Life, Liberty, Health, and Property? Locke Kant Hobbes 3/6 Thomas Hobbes is a __________ philosopher? American English French 4/6 Thomas Hobbes most famous Work? Leviathan Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals 5/6 What is Hobbes best philosophy remember for? Political Religion Belief Human Life 6/6 Hobbes often accused him of holding of the following beliefs? Hendonism Catholic Christianity Atheism