Preventing Common Illnesses Quiz

Preventing Common Illnesses Quiz

Test your knowledge on common illnesses and how to prevent them with this 11-question quiz!

published on May 26, 2024

What is the best way to prevent the flu?

Eating raw chicken
Getting a flu vaccine
Never washing your hands

How can you reduce the risk of heart disease?

Eating a healthy diet
Smoking cigarettes daily
Avoiding exercise

What is a common way to prevent skin cancer?

Applying sunscreen regularly
Tanning in a tanning bed daily
Never wearing a hat outside

How can you prevent food poisoning?

Cooking meat thoroughly
Eating expired food
Not washing fruits and vegetables

What can help prevent the common cold?

Washing your hands frequently
Sharing drinks with others
Not covering your mouth when sneezing

How can you prevent diabetes?

Maintaining a healthy weight
Consuming high amounts of sugar daily
Avoiding all fruits and vegetables

What is a good way to prevent dehydration?

What is a good way to prevent dehydration?
Drinking plenty of water
Only consuming caffeinated beverages
Avoiding all fluids throughout the day

How can you prevent foodborne illnesses?

How can you prevent foodborne illnesses?
Properly storing and cooking food
Eating undercooked meat regularly
Leaving leftovers out at room temperature for hours

What's a good way to prevent high blood pressure?

Limiting sodium intake
Eating fast food daily
Avoiding any physical activity

How can you reduce the risk of pneumonia?

How can you reduce the risk of pneumonia?
Getting vaccinated
Never washing your hands
Exercising in extreme cold temperatures

What can help prevent the spread of the common cold?

What can help prevent the spread of the common cold?
Avoiding close contact with sick individuals
Using someone else's towel
Touching your face with unwashed hands