Do you know Wings of Fire A fun way to see if you know Wings of fire. I have the first four books. Come do my quiz. Arctica published on May 16, 2015 Stacked 1/13 Fill in the blank. Of three queens who ............... blister, blaze, and burn blister and blaze and burn shall die and who shall learn 2/13 In book one who is the queen of the Sky wing palace Queen Scarlet Queen Ruby Queen Peril 3/13 Witch one of the dragon guardians dosee not die Webs Kestrel Hvitur 4/13 Who Allied herself with the SeaWings Burn Blaze None of the above 5/13 What are the names of the dragonets Clay, Tsunami, Peril , Starflight, Sunny Clay, Glory, Starflight, Sunny, Tsunami Hvitur, Webs, Kestrel, Dune 6/13 What type of dragon is not supposed to be part of the prophecy IceWing RainWing All of the above 7/13 What is the map of the Portia shaped like. A dragon A globe Nothing it's random 8/13 In book one what do they call a first born MudWing. Strong wings Fire born Big guy 9/13 In book four who did Starflight tell he loved Fatespeaker Sunny Tsunami 10/13 In book four where is the hidden kingdom of the NightWings The rain forest In the sky On a volcanic island 11/13 What coloured egg did Clay hatch from A brown egg A blood red egg Dragons don't hatch from eggs 12/13 What is the second Wings of Fire book called The SeaWing palace Tsunami The lost heir 13/13 In book four what does Glory dream about Furit Sleeping Homework