What is your Warrior Cat Soulmate?

Who is you Warrior cat SoulMate? the killer Scourdge? brave Firestar? evil Tigerstar? (She-Cats only) 0

published on April 26, 2020

You heard Firepaw and Greypaw talking that Tigerclaw is going to kill Ravenpaw. What do you do?

Tell the leader!
Keep it to myself.
I'm not a ThunderClan
Help them get Ravenpaw to Barleys

Scourge is attacking! What team are you on


You see Swiftpaw and Brightpaw getting attacked by dogs!

Help Them!
I'm In StarClan!
cant help them, I'm training my Apprentice so cany help

Cinderpelt is left with a badger!

Run and help her!
I'm a little busy!
Protect my kits!
I'm already dead :-(

Tigerclaw wants to be a leader and tries to kill Bluestar!

I'm an ally of Tigerclaw, attack her!
kill both of them.
protect her for my life!
leave the Clan, I don't want to get involved with this